Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Number Thirteen

Well yesterday I couldn't post because it was too late and I was exhausted. My body hasn't gotten used to day light savings yet. Well now Guineagal and I will begin working together to create the Randomstory Blog. The story is gradually taking shape now and you readers should all go check it out! You can hit the link that says "Our Awesome Story" or go to in order to read our story and please feel free to critique it or give praise for it. Both will be most welcome. Guineagal is actually going to post her chapters through me via email so I will try to have a little paragraph at the bottom of her chapters saying who wrote it. Now there are 13 posts on the story blog! Yay! Hooray! Hmm...I was writing when inspiration hit and I had to go enter a rhyme I came up with. Anyway 13 is my lucky number! Yay! It is a splendid number and just to be contrary I say it is a good lucky number. Hehe! Anyway I don't really believe in luck that much. Sure there is the luck of the draw or chance and all that stuff. But a lucky rabbit foot won't do anything to improve your luck. That type of luck doesn't really help you at all. It just gives you more confidence. Which could be useful but does nothing to affect chance.

Yesterday I attended the Faith Bible's High Five match. High Five is basically a gameshow with two teams from two schools face-off answering questions on everything from science to current news, history to geography. it is pretty cool. Only I wouldn't do that well. I think much too slowly for games like that. Yep yep. All too true. I have to think stuff through and can't think fast enough. Anyway our team tied the other team up and then lost the tie breaker. It was SO close! The tie breaker was an easy question too. Well if you have heard about the lone ranger. The question was "Who is the lone ranger's sidekick?" Do any of you know the answer? I guess it makes sense that they would make the question an easy one so they would definitely get a winner. Still that is really tough. Have you figured out the answer? Was your answer Tonto? Because that is the answer. The answer that tripped up our high five team in the finals. Rats. Oh well.

Then we went to the school's Harvest Party. Even though I am not going got Faith Bible anymore! I got to see most of my friends and had a great time. Splendid wot, wot! Anyway I got to participate in the doughnut eating contest and pinata beating game. Yay! In the doughnut contest I did pretty well. You eat a doughnut swinging on a string. did I mention that there are no hands allowed? Yep they made me work to get my doughnut and I was covered in powdered sugar when I finally got it. (powdered sugar doughnuts). Then on the pinata contest I excelled! The first two boys hardly hit the pinata. Between the both of them they managed to loosen one of the donkey's legs. I removed both legs with my expert usage of sticks! Yes siree! I am a splendid stick fighter! yep yep! I made that stick dance! Then it broke apart from the strain of being jerked around on the rope, and, as I maintain, being weakened by my repeated blows! I now call myself the Pinata Slayer! Yeeeha! Lets hunt some pinata!

Today we went to church like usual. I managed to stay awake through the whole sermon! Yay! On the other hand it was still hard to remain focused. The sermon was about church growth. How churches should grow and problems that may occur etc. There are always going to be problems as churches grow. It was a pretty good sermon.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Nasty Yard Work

Well today was spent cleaning my Dad's Mom's backyard. It was really nasty business. You see my Dad's sister can't really keep track of her money and always ends up living with Grandma again somehow. Anyway Grandma had to keep my Aunt's dog (a big dog) in her tiny backyard. My Aunt and her husband are very messy so not only did the big dog create a mess, they also created a mess. Now Dad had drafted my help because he was going to "winterfy" Grandma's porch. We ended up cleaning it. It was nasty. There was dog hair every where (fortunately the dog was gone; actually my Aunt had to have it put to sleep), and worst, dirty socks (I assume my Uncle's), blankets, a tent that was to be thrown away, and all sorts of junk. Really, really nasty stuff. Yuck! My Uncle isn't very tidy. Anyways Dad and I cleaned it all up, then we winterfied the back porch by nailing plastic tarp all around it except at the second back exit. It creates a greenhouse effect and then my Grandma keeps her plants there. We also raked the yard for Grandma. Yes my Uncle isn't that great. Still I try to get along with him. After all Jesus does love him.

All day though I just wanted to get back home so I could get on yahoo and chat! I had such a blast chatting with Guineagal yesterday! Today I got to chat with Katie though. Yes yes! We discussed the finer points of Star Wars literature for the most part. Heheh! What an interesting topic Star Wars is. Yes indeed! I have this one idea for a cool Jedi attack. Hehe! The Jedi could use it if facing multiple enemies from a distance, in a relatively confined space, where he needs to close with the enemy fast or die. The scene: a hallway, there are say half a dozen enemies armed with blasters at the end of the hallway. The Jedi throws his lightsaber down the hall guiding it with the force, the light would draw the eyes of the enemy, and simultaneously, to evade most of the opening shots, use the force to enhance his speed, and jump/run along one of the walls curving the lightsaber back towards him as he lands. He could even have it slice through the first two enemies, have it begin swinging at the third as he catches it. The whole attack would have to be instantaneous though. Otherwise the soldiers would shoot down the jedi. I have another idea. The Jedi just uses the force to jerk all the blasters to himself. Hehe! Much simpler. Not as cool though. Just not the same as running along a wall with blaster bolts flying past.

We watched "The Musketeer" tonight. For action fans I must recomment this movie. The second scene in the movie has an awesome fight. D'artagnan, the main character, walks into a tavern to get some breakfast and gets in a fight trying to protect a boy. He takes on about five enemies at once. At one point in this first fight he is balancing on a rolling barrel, uses his sword to jump into the rafters, and braces himself between two beams supporting the ceiling, while dodging thrusts from four men below. It was so cool! They do all these cool stunts and it all could almost be possible! That is the neat thing. Unlike those kung fu movies like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon where the fighters literally fly (they appear to be jumping but they are basically flying). Yep it was awesome! Plenty of fighting, lots of cool moves, and even a part where the main character is hanging from the bottom of a racing carriage like Indiana Jones! Hehe! It is a must see for anyone who enjoys creative action.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Chatting is a marvelous thing!

Well howdy do and howdy day! What a lovely day! Well not only did I get to go visit my old school today, but I got to finally talk to the mysterious Guineagal! Yay! It was quite enjoyable! I have apparently met her before but my memory fails me. I dearly wish I could remember but I can't. I discovered one important thing while chatting with her though. She is a genius! Just like John and I. Katie too! Once again people began stealing my words and sentences out of my head. That or they are genius! Well to say the least the encounter was interesting. It was fun talking to another MK! Well I do talk to John fairly often too. It is always fun chatting with other MK's though! The other piece of good news is that now I know someone has finally read my whole story! Well so far! Hehe! Guineagal read and said she enjoyed it! Yay! Yes that alone could practically make my day! I was literally bursting with happiness. I had a huge smile on my face. Just now I figured out a comfortable way to use the computer on the internet and sit comfortably in the living room! What a great day this is! Yep, yep, yep! Of course it had its minor irritants (computer problems) but those were finally solved. Yes indeed.

Right now John and I are exchanging verbal assaults. It is fun! We both have "duels with words" and use fantastic philosophy and logic to out think the other and smother eachother with reasons why something is better than another object. Hehe! It is almost like sword fighting taking turns making attacks and defending your point of the argument. We are debating I guess you could say. We do it about all sorts of things. Hehehe! Anyway. I will now go post on my story blog.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Youth Group! Yay!

Well today I had a normal day. I got up, had breakfast, etc etc. Yes I did my chores and all that. Tomorrow I get up early to go visit my former school and get a permission slip so I can go to their high five contest. It sounds like your quizzing is pretty close to our school's high five, Katie. I am not that great at quizzing or high five, (however you want to call it) simply because I like to think through my answers before I give them. I usually don't like rushing through anything. I feel as though I might be missing some important part of the question. Anyway I want to get a permission slip to accompany them to their match. That should be interesting. See how smart I am.

Well youth group was great! They had a guest speaker, a little old lady named Flow I guess, and she told about her life. She has witnessed many miracles in her life. Quite amazing! She was our youth pastor's grandma. It was really cool. On the way home from youth group I was flipping radio stations and I hear "you are going to die" on this one channel. Hehe! How pessimistic! Yes it is quite humorous. Of course I am going to die someday. It is nearly inescapable. Yep! Might as well accept it. Maybe I can go out in a burst of glory! Or maybe I can just end my life peacefully as an old man. Whatever the case I hope I accomplish whatever I was made to do here on earth. Then I got to a station that had some strange music. Nice tune but I couldn't recognize any of the instruments. I had something else to write here but like the absent-minded fool I am, I forgot it. Once I had to place a post-it note on my forehead on the way to school in-order to remember to turn in a payment for a field trip. hehe! I rode the bus all the way to school and didn't take it off until I had completed my all important mission. I had spent a week forgetting so it was necessary. That is just one of the many examples I could give you of my absent-mindedness. Well now I shall go check some more blogs and see if I can come up with the next portion of the story for our Randomstory blog. Go to or click on the link "Our Awesome Story" to view the story. Tell me what you think of it. I would really like to know. So far only one other person has read it (Uncle Dwayne) and I am not sure if he has read it recently. Happy reading and good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

John, Mr. T, and Homework

I just finished chatting with John. It was great! He showed me a website (I believe it was that had sound boards with the voices of actors. Ahh, here is the exact website address. That should take you to a list of different actors and you can click on them and hit play game to get a list of lines from shows and movies they were in. It is cool. I chose Mr. T (we use dial-up so I stayed with him since it would take forever to try to do anyone else) and then commenced to have conversations with John. He chose a whole host of different actors. Unfortunately almost all Mr. T says has to do with "fool" only he says it like so, "foo!" Doesn't pronounce the l at the end. Then my sister started messing around with the mouse since I didn't need it while John and I chatted normally. She started hitting the line "Understand" whenever I said something. If you have ever heard Mr. T talk you know he is a real tough guy. Hehe! Anyway as I was telling John he MUST post on his blog my sister hits the button immediately after so the computer growls "understand" and John and we figured that John had better post or Mr. T will come after him. Hehehe! It was fun! Besides checking blogs today (better post John or Mr. T'll getcha) I didn't do much outside of the ordinary. That is to say I woke up, cleaned my room for an hour, did my french lessons, did some sort of physical activity, washed some clothes. The exception is that yesterday we got our first school assignment of the year. We will be studying church history this year and I am to research Jerome, an early Bible translator. I also have to read Acts and memorize a verse. Not much. Mostly just reading Acts and the one page paper on Jerome. Memorization never was too hard for me. Just took lots of time. I believe Guineagal asked for jokes. Old Testament teacher was a great source for jokes last year. Hehe! He called everyone by a nickname. He even wrote people's nicknames on detention slips. The rest of the teachers always had to ask him who was receiving the detention. Fortunately I never had my nickname on a detention slip. I was an angel in class. :) I never talked at the beginning of the year. Didn't know anyone. No reason to talk. At the end of the year I still didn't talk in class anyway. Cause I can wait until the teacher usually. Yep! Anyway...a good joke...I have one from my OT teacher for you, Guineagal. It was hilarious. Though I normally don't use the vocabulary in it. Still it is funny. Well you know about David and his sons right? Remember when Absalom invites all his brothers to a feast? They all rode donkeys and mules to the feast. Now one of Absalom's brothers had raped Absalom's sister. As a good brother Absalom wanted revenge and so he killed that brother. The rest of the brothers got on their donkeys and fled. As my OT teacher put it, "They got their asses out of there!" I thought it was hilarious! He really makes the Bible interesting. Like one of Esau's wive's name was Oholibama. That is how it is spelled. All year long we were joking over that one. Some of my class mates claim that they will name their daughters that. There were some other funny names too that I can't recall at the moment. Who knew it could be so fun to read the Bible? Well that's all folks.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Family Pictures Again

Well today we went with my dad's side of the family AGAIN to get family pictures. Last week the pictures weren't satisfactory so we didn't buy them and went to a different studio this week. Anyway we spent the better part of an hour taking the pictures at a Walmart and then wandered around it. Amazingly enough the pictures all came out great. They even got a picture of me with a real smile (quite hard to do in a picture). Usually I have this fake smile for the camera. I have had to endure too man pictures in my life time. Anyways it turned out great, well the pictures at least. I don't really get along with my dad's side of the family that well because they are so different from me. There always seem to be problems and issues that need resolving and someone is always stressed in that family. Unlike our family which is fairly easy going and we don't worry much at all, my dad's mom always worries. Over everything. And everything has to be just so. Where I grew up, with MK's and missionaries no one really cares that much. Everyone is flexible. In fact it is important to be flexible and accept what life throws at you in Guinea.

Hmm...I think I need to change my profile. It is a little out of date. I seem to do well posting. Only I haven't figured out how to put pictures into my posts. No matter I hope everyone enjoys my blog regardless the lack of coloring.

We also visited my Great-Grandma and that was, well, the conversation was lacking. I just can't really discuss lightsabers and different ways to "use" the force with my great-grandma. I am not sure if she knows what a lightsaber is. I also met this 95 year old lady at my g-grandma's nursing home. Lovely lady. She seemed to like me because she started telling me about how she ran away with a sailor and was happily married to him for 40 years. That is awesome! I always thought those were just stories, running away with sailors and all but she really did it. And the amazing thing to me is that she said she had only known him for 3 or 4 weeks before she married him. Who said love at first sight doesn't work? Well maybe it doesn't work normally but that was a neat story. She actually started talking about her marriage because we were discussing grandchildren briefly (after all I was my great-grandma's great-grandchild; and she asked if my brother was my son. heheh he is only five and people have asked if I am a senior in highschool before. Anyway I explained the purpose of my visit). She said she highly disapproves of couples living together before marriage and I naturally agreed and she went on to tell me not to get married until I was about 25 (heheheh, she was already ordering my life for me :-) ) and had a good job and home. I told I wasn't planning on getting married anytime soon. Imagine though! All that conversation while waiting for an elevator to take my lil brother to the games room! Life sure is interesting sometimes. Wonder if she was a Christian.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Church and Potlucks

Well today was rather boring. All I did was read and go to church and go to a potluck (which wasn't that great; good food though) and now I am writing on my blog. I was bored enough to beat myself in war. The card game. It was rather boring. I should try playing Egyptian Ratscrew, aka Egyptian Ratcatcher, by myself sometime. I have played Marco Polo by myself. I am proud to say I was so good I couldn't catch myself. Lol! Hahah! Yep. I am a Marco Polo freak. I could play it in the swimming pool for hours on end. Not many people seem to keep up with me in Marco Polo. Well not many people want to play it for hours either. :-) That is the game I am most likely to play in the pool. Quite entertaining. I am really hard to catch besides.

Hmmm....coming up with another topic....ah yes....I am reading the sequel to Eragon. It is so far very good. Just as good as Eragon itself. The dwarves are rather interesting in that story but I still like the way I have designed my dwarves. All dwarves are short and stocky and strong. In all stories it seems to be that way. Yep. They also have red hair or black. And of course beards. Yep. Can't have a dwarf without a beard. Although in my stories I say dwarves aren't allowed to grow a beard until they reach full maturity which is about 50 years old. Custom of the dwarves...the beard is a sign of maturity. ancient Greece the Spartans had cowards grow half a beard...maybe I can adapt that to the dwarves and...well that is for later. Good night.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Hello folks! I am back! Yep I was gone for a few days but I was usually writing email but more likely hanging out with John in Tibia! Of course I kept dying in Tibia which is rather depressing (cause you lose all sorts of things) but that is ok. I can persevere. It is only a game.

I create these imaginary worlds and still play (believe it or not) imagination games etc. They always have fighting in them. That is a must in any story or game you play. Anyway usually when I am cutting down hoards of foes with my lightsaber, or cleaving through orc shields and helms with my sword named Brightblade, I will get so excited I'll go tell my dad about it. My dad always will listen to me and then he says something like, "Jonathan, orcs don't exist." I mean talk about ruining a guy's game! Right at your moment of glory, "Jonathan, lightsabers aren't real." Who wants to think logically? What is the fun in that? My dad seems to do that without fail quite frequently. It is sort of funny in a way. I will be holding my great sword in battle ranks and suddenly my dad will call to my attention that it is only a stick. hehe! I don't mind it too much. I tolerate it. STILL it does deflate the magnificence of the game. If you want an idea of what my imagination games are like go to this web site ( to see the story John and I have been creating. Well John hasn't started his part of the story yet. Unfortuneately to read it all in the proper order you have to read it backwards because of the way the blog lists all the postings but that is a minor problem. I have had someone tell me they really enjoyed. Hope you do too.

Now lets see...what to discuss...any of you Harry Potter fans out there? I have read the first five books so far and enjoyed them. I am not a rabid Harry Potter fan but I do find the books to be quite well written. I would recommend them for leisure reading. Just read them when you have lots of time on your hands. You could get sucked into the plot and swept away. We actually watched the Prisoner of Azkaban just half an hour ago. It was ok. I was rather disappointed with it somewhat. It failed to deliver the visual effects as well as the book can with my own imagination. I like to think I have a highly developed imagination too. I am creating a mythical world name Arania. It is slowly taking shape. Right now I am developing the Dwarves. They are pretty complicated. Like how they wear their hair. How is their leadership designed? did I ramble onto the topic of Arania? Oh well. No matter. That is what happens when I just start typing away. I jump from topic to topic as it enters my head.

Well good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite!

Monday, October 17, 2005

College, Financial aid, Pictures and all that stuff.

Well today was busy for me. Uncle Dwayne and his wife left this morning and we went to get family pictures with my dad's side of the family. Almost nothing goes exactly right whenever my dad's relatives do a family event it seems. In this case we spent what seemed like ages just trying to get everyone in the picture. There were only nine of us but we were packed into this tiny studio and the camera was bolted down and so you couldn't really move it well so we kept having to retake because someone had their face cut off or some such thing. Then! When we finally did it Grandma decided it wasn't good enough! I was ready to accept whatever we got but now we have to do it all over again next week! AHHHHHHHHHHH! I hate family pictures! I always have a fake smile on and rarely get a good picture. Besides there is always something amiss no matter what side of the family we take them with. When I am an adult, you aren't going to find me saying "hey lets go to Walmart and have a family picture." Nope. If we need pictures we can take them ourselves. Well maybe once a year but that is just not very fun in my opinion. Not at all.

Then I came home and messed around on the internet, checked my blog, checked John's blog, and checked Kate's blog. The usual routine and all. Got to chat to some friends via google talk. Got to talk to John just now. Quite fun. Hehe you had better be going to sleep by now though John. It is only 10:30 here but 12:30 a.m. for you and you have Calculus to take. I am going to take Calculus this year too. If I ever get back to Africa that is. I love a good challenging class. Well I love completing challenging classes.

Then we went to a Christian college fair. They had tons of colleges and even though I am still a couple years from entering college, I need to start looking for scholarships and all that stuff. In Africa we don't have access to the resources needed to apply for scholarships and grants and all that stuff. Well it is harder to get access to those resources. I am still not entirely sure how we are going to do that. But my top three choices for a college are currently Seattle Pacific University, George Fox University, and Puget Sound Christian College. The three most interesting majors for me are Engineering, Christian Missions, and Business. I can be a Business Engineer Missionary when I grow up. Hehe! I wonder how many minors I can take. hmm. Maybe I can double major and double minor. That would be fun. And a lot of work. Still I could minor in French. You could get around most of Africa by simply being able to speak English and French. Have to use Chinese in Asia. I want to learn every major they have at all the colleges practically! It is so hard to choose a major. I still have a couple years though.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


I have returned from seeing a great movie! Guess the title. Holes! Haha! It was a splendid movie! If you have read the book I highly recommend seeing the movie. I actually read the book about five years ago and I believe that they did a great job following the book in the movie. Yep. The plot was intricately woven so that everything fits into place by the end. It is an awesome story. The funny thing is that Dad and Uncle Dwayne were saying that they didn't really want to watch it. Neither had read the book and Uncle Dwayne went as far as to say that he didn't think it looked like a good movie. Ha! It is a splendid movie with a brilliant plot written in such a way that it links the past to the present and practically every detail has some role to play in the story. Yep splendid movie. In case you haven't read any of my earliest posts I use splendid when I really liked something. Splendid is such a splendid word. Don't you agree?

Well today we went to a church in the town of Vernonia. Quite interesting. I got to listen to dad explain everything we do in Africa. Then we went to one of the Elder's house and had lunch and talked. Quite boring. I was bored stiff. Hehe well not that stiff. I did figure out two of those puzzles. The type where you have two metal pieces and you have to figure out how to seperate them. I can never figure those out and I am not really a puzzle person. Well you may find me puzzling but everyone is strange in their own way. My sister loves to find a second meaning out of what people say. Anyway I was happy that I finally figured out the puzzles. I had nothing else to do after all. On the trip home I was exhausted (I am always exhausted in cars; well in the U.S. at least) and dozed off. I really went to sleep because when I woke up my head was tilted forward and I was drooling on my shirt! I hate it when I do that! Still it is sort of funny. Hehe. My dad does that if he doses off. Never when he sleeps at night though. I don't drool at night either. It is always when I am in the car dozing. That or when I am concentrating so hard that I forget the minor detail of keeping saliva in my mouth. That rarely happens and thankfully not in public. Hmm. Yep it must be a sign of genius. Or lunacy. Of couse some lunatics were ingenius. Well I figure I will go look at some other blogs and then go to bed.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Well I got these cool Nerf sets with blasters that shoot darts with velcro on 'em. You then put on this colored vest and the darts stick when they land. It is really cool and really fun. Uncle Dwayne happened to be coming and I happened to have bought some more ammo for the guns. The result was a huge gun fight, my li'l brother and I versus my Dad and Uncle Dwayne! I would have to say that it must have been a draw (though I did get a couple good shots in there if I do say so myself) considering both sides were hit all over the place. Thankfully eye protection was provided with the guns. I got hit right in the glasses and pretty much all over but my vest was not hit nearly so much. That is the target in my opinion. Quite exciting though! We were sweating by the end. Of course mom and Aunt Helen retreated to the kitchen so as to avoid the darts flying everywhere and stuck in almost every imaginable location. The funny thing is my sister just sat playing her new gameboy on the couch through the entire fight, totally ignoring us and engrossed in her game. She has been there all day. Well practically all day. Hehe! The calm during the storm I guess is what my sister was. She never once commented until the end when my brother was saying that we had won. Then she said that nobody had won and I had to agree. That was great though! I can't wait until I can try it out with my friends in Kankan. Well once Nick and Mosie get back from boarding school that is.

We went to pick out a movie at Blockbuster and I am now back having seen The Kingdom of Heaven. It didn't really look like heaven to me. Nope. There were several big battles though. Basically it is about the crusades but it is pretty neat how they created the story. They actually had some decent characters with good beliefs. I will have to think on what they said but it was pretty good in most cases. Well what the main character had to say was pretty good. He was more worried about saving people and not the treasures of this world. Well not the gold and silver and religious treasures at least. The real treasures are the people of this world. Sometimes they seem to be a curse too. Strange. We were made for this earth and yet we destroy it quite frequently. Must be the result of sin. Too bad. Still all the sword play was awesome. Of course I am a boy and generally we get all "pumped" about facing the danger and despite all odds defeating it etc. For proof you should join John and I in Tibia. We take on the goblins and orcs, rotworms and Amazons readily. We call them all sorts of names while beating them and then when they prove to strong or numerous for us we hightail it out of there. You never saw anyone run so fast as us when we were fleeing an Amazon lady. Beat by a girl no less! Well that is what we should expect when facing girls. Sheesh they can be mighty dangerous sometimes. No offense meant. Hehe! It is a good thing we fled though or she literally would have had our heads! Yep girls can be pretty tough. That was all a game though so it doesn't really matter that much. I think I would freak out if our house was attacked by goblins or orcs. Now how did Aragorn and Legolas handle them orcs...hmm...well that is for another post sometime. Ciao, Audios Amigo!

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Long time no Post

My goodness I haven't posted in over a week! Well a bit has happened in that time. We went to my family's (well half of my family's) "Gilson Family Campout". I had an ok time. You see the Gilson family campout is basically all my mom's relatives traveling to my late great grandparent's farm and then working for a couple days to clean it up a bit. Hurrah. That was a sarcastic hurrah. I am not really a farmer. Although I have to say I did a good job splitting wood considering that I haven't ever split any wood...well anyway it was ok. My cousins (all younger and than me by at least 7 years; very annoying and unreasonable quite often) were everywhere. I ended up "mortally" wounding myself. The rug has a metal strip that holds it down but in actuality it is sticking up elevated off the floor. Now there is a floor mat on it but my Aunt just had to move that mat while cleaning unkowingly sealing my fate to slice my toe on it. Didn't really hurt that much. Bled all over though. Thankfully my Aunt also happens to be a nurse so she doctored my toe up real nice like.

Lately I have been playing Tibia. It is a splendid game. Yep! A simply splendiferous game! hehe! Highly entertaining if you have a friend to play with. If not, it is still interesting but you can't have the thrill of bragging with your friend when you demolish some orcs or goblins. No one to celebrate with when you level up either.

Well lately, since I have no work, no school (yet), and am putting off packing (I always seem to put off that sort of thing; no incentive to pack yet) I have tons of free time! Yay! Now normally I would try to be on the internet half the day and read the other half. Only my parents told me I couldn't be on the internet all day. So I instead read all day (unless I am doing chores), play video games and then get on the internet at night. I nice schedule. Yep. I like it. Except for the fact that my brain is slowly turning into a puddle of mush. As I told one of my teachers from last year, "Soon my head will be a box of rocks!" quoting on his catchy line "You're dumb as a box of rocks!" He sounds like my dad! Hehe! When my dad taught Nicholas and I science he called us "knuckleheads" everyday! hahaha! It was great! We were knuckle heads too! That is the funniest part. At the time I believe we considered ourselves quite smart. Hehe! Yep Dad sure "unknuckled" us. Well he took out some of the knuckles in my head.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Church, Sermons, and Sleep

No matter what I do, I almost always fall into a doze at church. I can't help it. I spend hours on the Internet until I notice that it is almost midnight, then I go to bed and get up to get ready for church. Whether I am tired or not seems to make no difference. I go to church and in the middle of the sermon, while still listening to the pastor my brain slowly winds down until I am nearly unconscious to the state that my head starts drooping. I then wake up and struggle to concentrate on the sermon, which I have by now most likely missed a key point. I then start to zone out and wouldn't be surprised if I have actually gone to sleep with my eyes open. The only thing that would possibly give me away then is the fact that I am not moving. But I literally zone out get tired whenever I listen to a sermon. I can't help it. It just happens. Maybe I need to go to bed earlier. I cannot remain conscious in a car either, unless driving. I just begin to drowse and my head starts to flop all over (especially in Africa when there are plenty of potholes).

The sermon today was something about how the Church should be. The pastor said that we needed to work to belong in a group. I guess he was talking about small groups. Anyway he talked about the Church in Acts chapter 2 and described them as appealing to everyone. Back then everybody noticed the Christian church and wanted to know what it was about. Now few people seem to be interested in the Church and many want nothing to do with the Church. A sad change. I believe it is the Church that changed though. The way Churches operate somehow. I am not sure what exactly we must change in the Church though to show non-believers how real Christians live. I have a couple hunches but I need to ponder them for a while. What do you think? Surprised I remember the sermon? Well I don't sleep the whole time. I do try to pay attention. They have some good (if a boring presentation) stuff to say in church. I try to analyze everything they say with my knowledge of the Bible. That keeps me awake a little but not much.

Well I am quite tired today so I believe I will go study the RandomStory Blog and try to edit my story there and then get off and go read or more likely take a nap while trying to read.