Monday, October 24, 2005

Family Pictures Again

Well today we went with my dad's side of the family AGAIN to get family pictures. Last week the pictures weren't satisfactory so we didn't buy them and went to a different studio this week. Anyway we spent the better part of an hour taking the pictures at a Walmart and then wandered around it. Amazingly enough the pictures all came out great. They even got a picture of me with a real smile (quite hard to do in a picture). Usually I have this fake smile for the camera. I have had to endure too man pictures in my life time. Anyways it turned out great, well the pictures at least. I don't really get along with my dad's side of the family that well because they are so different from me. There always seem to be problems and issues that need resolving and someone is always stressed in that family. Unlike our family which is fairly easy going and we don't worry much at all, my dad's mom always worries. Over everything. And everything has to be just so. Where I grew up, with MK's and missionaries no one really cares that much. Everyone is flexible. In fact it is important to be flexible and accept what life throws at you in Guinea.

Hmm...I think I need to change my profile. It is a little out of date. I seem to do well posting. Only I haven't figured out how to put pictures into my posts. No matter I hope everyone enjoys my blog regardless the lack of coloring.

We also visited my Great-Grandma and that was, well, the conversation was lacking. I just can't really discuss lightsabers and different ways to "use" the force with my great-grandma. I am not sure if she knows what a lightsaber is. I also met this 95 year old lady at my g-grandma's nursing home. Lovely lady. She seemed to like me because she started telling me about how she ran away with a sailor and was happily married to him for 40 years. That is awesome! I always thought those were just stories, running away with sailors and all but she really did it. And the amazing thing to me is that she said she had only known him for 3 or 4 weeks before she married him. Who said love at first sight doesn't work? Well maybe it doesn't work normally but that was a neat story. She actually started talking about her marriage because we were discussing grandchildren briefly (after all I was my great-grandma's great-grandchild; and she asked if my brother was my son. heheh he is only five and people have asked if I am a senior in highschool before. Anyway I explained the purpose of my visit). She said she highly disapproves of couples living together before marriage and I naturally agreed and she went on to tell me not to get married until I was about 25 (heheheh, she was already ordering my life for me :-) ) and had a good job and home. I told I wasn't planning on getting married anytime soon. Imagine though! All that conversation while waiting for an elevator to take my lil brother to the games room! Life sure is interesting sometimes. Wonder if she was a Christian.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhhhhhh the family picture. i remember those. don't have to take any for the next 5 years. (sigh of relief) never much liked them. although it sounds like you have it MUCH worse than i ever do. lo siento. (i'm sorry) if you haven't noticed, i'm goin to tend to use spanish phrases alot. :D you are welcome. i'm helping to enrich your mind. :D ah well, it seems i'm goin to go read the next blog, and tell you my opinion. and i'm taking a leaf, (if you don't mind that is) out of your book, and only commenting on the first 18 of your many blogs. lol. see ya

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I ALMOST FORGOT. that woman sounds AMAZING. really amazing, ya know? ok, just thought i'd tell you that. oh, and anytime you get an anonomous thingy, that will most likely be me. of course not always, but for the moment.......

3:49 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Hmm...who could this anonymous person be? Ah yes I know! Well I won't give away your identity since you obviously used anonymous for a reason. If you want you can just hit the other button and use a name or pseudonym. I look forward to being enlightened! I don't know much spanish. The extent of my spanish ability is Audios Amigos!

6:52 PM  

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