Sunday, October 16, 2005


I have returned from seeing a great movie! Guess the title. Holes! Haha! It was a splendid movie! If you have read the book I highly recommend seeing the movie. I actually read the book about five years ago and I believe that they did a great job following the book in the movie. Yep. The plot was intricately woven so that everything fits into place by the end. It is an awesome story. The funny thing is that Dad and Uncle Dwayne were saying that they didn't really want to watch it. Neither had read the book and Uncle Dwayne went as far as to say that he didn't think it looked like a good movie. Ha! It is a splendid movie with a brilliant plot written in such a way that it links the past to the present and practically every detail has some role to play in the story. Yep splendid movie. In case you haven't read any of my earliest posts I use splendid when I really liked something. Splendid is such a splendid word. Don't you agree?

Well today we went to a church in the town of Vernonia. Quite interesting. I got to listen to dad explain everything we do in Africa. Then we went to one of the Elder's house and had lunch and talked. Quite boring. I was bored stiff. Hehe well not that stiff. I did figure out two of those puzzles. The type where you have two metal pieces and you have to figure out how to seperate them. I can never figure those out and I am not really a puzzle person. Well you may find me puzzling but everyone is strange in their own way. My sister loves to find a second meaning out of what people say. Anyway I was happy that I finally figured out the puzzles. I had nothing else to do after all. On the trip home I was exhausted (I am always exhausted in cars; well in the U.S. at least) and dozed off. I really went to sleep because when I woke up my head was tilted forward and I was drooling on my shirt! I hate it when I do that! Still it is sort of funny. Hehe. My dad does that if he doses off. Never when he sleeps at night though. I don't drool at night either. It is always when I am in the car dozing. That or when I am concentrating so hard that I forget the minor detail of keeping saliva in my mouth. That rarely happens and thankfully not in public. Hmm. Yep it must be a sign of genius. Or lunacy. Of couse some lunatics were ingenius. Well I figure I will go look at some other blogs and then go to bed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmmmmmm, drooooooool. haven't ever had much to say on the subject, gotta admit. let me see....drool. my brother USED to drool. i don't think i've ever really drooled except when i was a baby. ah well. as for the whole thingy about holes, haven't watched it, but because of your SPLENDID recomendation, i shall attempt it. and as for the church thingy, that was my life last year. oh well. in case you haven't noticed, ah well, and oh well are used quite often. and on to the next entry!

4:00 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Yep I use them too. The drool part is something very strange that happens to me. Don't know why but if I completely focus on something I become completely unaware of anything else (example reading a good book). It also happens when I am in that half doze where you are unconscious yet still have a voice telling you you should do your homework instead of lying on top of it and dozing...then next thing I know I wake up half an hour later and the floor is wet. Rather embarrassing but hey what is life without all the little embarrassing details to make it interesting sometimes.

7:05 PM  

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