Saturday, October 15, 2005


Well I got these cool Nerf sets with blasters that shoot darts with velcro on 'em. You then put on this colored vest and the darts stick when they land. It is really cool and really fun. Uncle Dwayne happened to be coming and I happened to have bought some more ammo for the guns. The result was a huge gun fight, my li'l brother and I versus my Dad and Uncle Dwayne! I would have to say that it must have been a draw (though I did get a couple good shots in there if I do say so myself) considering both sides were hit all over the place. Thankfully eye protection was provided with the guns. I got hit right in the glasses and pretty much all over but my vest was not hit nearly so much. That is the target in my opinion. Quite exciting though! We were sweating by the end. Of course mom and Aunt Helen retreated to the kitchen so as to avoid the darts flying everywhere and stuck in almost every imaginable location. The funny thing is my sister just sat playing her new gameboy on the couch through the entire fight, totally ignoring us and engrossed in her game. She has been there all day. Well practically all day. Hehe! The calm during the storm I guess is what my sister was. She never once commented until the end when my brother was saying that we had won. Then she said that nobody had won and I had to agree. That was great though! I can't wait until I can try it out with my friends in Kankan. Well once Nick and Mosie get back from boarding school that is.

We went to pick out a movie at Blockbuster and I am now back having seen The Kingdom of Heaven. It didn't really look like heaven to me. Nope. There were several big battles though. Basically it is about the crusades but it is pretty neat how they created the story. They actually had some decent characters with good beliefs. I will have to think on what they said but it was pretty good in most cases. Well what the main character had to say was pretty good. He was more worried about saving people and not the treasures of this world. Well not the gold and silver and religious treasures at least. The real treasures are the people of this world. Sometimes they seem to be a curse too. Strange. We were made for this earth and yet we destroy it quite frequently. Must be the result of sin. Too bad. Still all the sword play was awesome. Of course I am a boy and generally we get all "pumped" about facing the danger and despite all odds defeating it etc. For proof you should join John and I in Tibia. We take on the goblins and orcs, rotworms and Amazons readily. We call them all sorts of names while beating them and then when they prove to strong or numerous for us we hightail it out of there. You never saw anyone run so fast as us when we were fleeing an Amazon lady. Beat by a girl no less! Well that is what we should expect when facing girls. Sheesh they can be mighty dangerous sometimes. No offense meant. Hehe! It is a good thing we fled though or she literally would have had our heads! Yep girls can be pretty tough. That was all a game though so it doesn't really matter that much. I think I would freak out if our house was attacked by goblins or orcs. Now how did Aragorn and Legolas handle them orcs...hmm...well that is for another post sometime. Ciao, Audios Amigo!


Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

I have added a verification thing-a-ma-bopper that makes it so I won't get any, or at least as many, of the annoying comments from machines trying to sell me stuff I don't need. Hopefully this doesn't inconvenience any other comments though. All you need to do is type the letters below the identity selection. I look forward to hearing your feed back. :)

10:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aughhh!! You got to watch "Kingdom of Heaven"??? I want to watch that movie! And it's a pretty stupid reason too: ORLANDO BLOOM. Well, not stupid. :-) Sounds like you had fun with the guns. My brother got a set but it was just little discs that came flying and didn't have all the cool protection equipment. :-D We would play for HOURS, though.

2:13 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

I love those disc launchers! I have a couple of those. Actually I got them before the dart guns and to supplement them. In Kankan I would invite all of the MK's in town over to our place and we would have wars. We have this indestructible living room. Not pretty but it sure makes a great battlefield. So we'd take the couches (made of that really hard wood) and remove all the cushions, divide into two teams and have a paper ball war. I had over a hundred paper balls that we'd launch at eachother. There'd be about ten of us all ducking and dodging behind our fortresses. Later I built cardboard swords and we added hand-to-hand combat. It is a bit time consuming to build good quality cardboard swords that don't break or bend immediately but I managed it. They don't hurt as much as sticks. I got hit really hard once in the face and it didn't do more than bruise me!

10:19 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Yeah! I got to see it! Kingdom of Heaven was awesome! Although I wouldn't recommend it for the faint of heart. Lots of heads getting cut off and blood and gore. Plenty of fighting for the boys you know. Once Orlando Bloom beats up three armored knights with his hands. He is pretty cool. Why are all you girls going crazy over him though? Sure he is cool and has lots of cool moves but...well I wouldn't know. I have never been really crazy about any actors or anything myself. But it is a great movie. I give it a thumbs up!

10:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Orlando Bloom is so hot...:-D So is Kiefer Sutherland :-D But then, I'm just crazy. The wars that ya'll have in your living room sounds like tons of fun!

2:21 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Well Orlando is pretty neat. Do you like his cool moves or his looks? I like his cool moves! Hehe. He does play lots of neat characters.

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

YAY. NERF. NERF ROX. thats all i have to say on the subject. all of nerf rox. my brother was into it awhile ago, and i thought it was neat. he was also in a bb gun stage, and then a sword stage. hmmmm. and as for orlando bloom, he is AMAZING. all of him. the looks, the moves, but most of all, i love the accent. people think he is cute, but a good english accent can make ya melt. that isn't all i have to say on the subject, but since this is a guy's blog, i won't sully it w/ orlando talk. and on to the next entry!

4:06 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

I love English accents. I actually like accents in general but the English accent happens to be my favorite. They are simply splendid! Wot wot? The best accents are English, Southern, and French. Other accents are pretty cool too but those are some of the easiest to think of. I wish I could cultivate a good English accent. I can do a French accent pretty well. Zat is nossing! Becauze I speak ze Frensh language a bit. Yez indeed. But my southern and English accents aren't that great yet. I need to go to England and pick one up heheheh!

7:12 PM  

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