Thursday, September 15, 2005

Yesterday was my birthday. I had a blast. Today was not so great. I got stuck at work cleaning and stocking everything related to drive through. I guess I did ok. Now on to interesting things. Who invented the word Wednesday? I was writing that one day and it struck me that Wednesday is a really awkward word. It is hard to write Wednesday. Oh well. Is anyone familiar with the game Fire Emblem? I have been playing that recently and it is great! I love it. I am a strategy freak and love that type of game. Combine a strategy and an RPG and you have me hooked. In fact just give me strategy and I will play it. I don't really have much to write about tonight. Nothing except stuff about myself. Most people probably aren't all that interested in me so I figure I should write about something that lots of people may be interested in.

The Wheel of Time. That is a great series but all the female characters drive me crazy. They are so stubborn and illogical and dishonest and always getting into other people's business while saying that the other people, usually guys, are the ones poking their noses where they shouldn't. I have always wondered though what a girl who read the books would think. So if you ladies have read the series (or at least several books from the series) and wish to enlighten me with your views on how the male characters treat the female characters and vice versa, please go ahead and inform me on how wrong or right I am. That is supposing anyone is reading this blog at all. Anyway I was just curious and wondering if the opposite gender thought the opposite or the same way that I feel about female characters in the Wheel of time series.


Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Sorry eddy,
I am not really old enough to seriously consider your website. I am only 17 now. Thanks for the comment and suggestion though. Maybe someday when I am older.

12:52 AM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Hey Anonymous,
I want to thank you for your comment too. What is forex trading course? I glanced at the site but it just looked like business stuff.

12:53 AM  
Blogger John said...

Hey Jonathan! If those anonymous people don't say specific things about your blog, they are really just souless computers which scamper through blogs shoving ads in the comments! They are evil! Beware!!!

Other than that, you are completly right about the jerky females in WoT. If you read the link to the Robert Jordan interview that I put on the story blog, you see that he actually spent time observing women to see how they acted before he wrote his books!!! What does this say about the ladies he was observing!!??? Lol.

3:57 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Hoho good point there John. Well that definitely doesn't speak too highly of them. I did read the link. It was rather disturbing to hear women praising him for his accuracy in portraying a female character. Hopefully they meant other things besides all the trickery and scheming.

Thank you for warning me about the soulless computers. Obviously I am not a frequent and experience internet person.

12:06 AM  

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