Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Hello Blog. How are you today. Today I finally paid my Grandparents back for my bike. They got it on their credit card because they had a special discount for the day. Now the bike is completely mine. I got a new computer game, called Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords. It is an awesome game only it isn't working on my computer right now. I am trying to figure out how to make it work on the blasted computer but so far it resists all attempts to make it run properly. I dearly want to try it but unfortuneately I currently am unable to play it. My sister wants to play her computer game but she has already been playing on the computer all afternoon and now that I am back from work, it is my turn to play on the computer all night. She wants you to know that she has three horses in her game. "Very" exciting. I am so "thrilled". Now onto better topics. I worked for around 11 hours today but I was able to sleep while I worked for the first four hours or so and that was nice. Sort of. Then I was scrambling to keep up with the orders for more onion rings. I happen to be the Lord of the Rings but keeping up with orders was very difficult. I managed it with a little help and then found that not only was I supposed to keep up but I was supposed to make a stockpile of walla walla onion rings 20 trays high. Considering I started the day with only three trays left over from the day before and not my usual ten, I was way behind and left work still way behind.

Yesterday we went to one of the best places in the whole wide world. Wi-ne-ma! I drove there all by myself taking my li'l brother and sister and made it in good time to the coast. We got to hang out with two of my contacts from my email address book. It was fun. My parents went to the hospital to get my mom's infection checked out and us kids went to Wi-ne-ma all by ourselves. As I said, I drove and found I am a pretty good driver after all. I went screaming around corners but with enough caution so I wouldn't get in a wreck as long as I was in my lane and oncoming traffic in their lane. I think I did well. Besides I wanted to get to Winema in time for lunch and was in a hurry.

The other day I was imagining a super mortar. It would be buried in the ground and be naturally camouflaged against all enemies. It would lob rockets into the air which would then break apart over enemy lines into large spear head shaped projectiles which would then penetrate into a target and explode one to three seconds after impact. It can also fire anti aircraft missiles which would then launch four small, short range, heat seeking rockets. The rockets and missile would cooperate in order to eliminate a target or group of targets. I developed that while making onion rings.

See ya blog.


Blogger John said...

Aha! YOU are the ring bearer! Do not tempt me with the onion rings Jonathando! I, Johndalf would use it for great good, but through me it would wield a power too terrible to imagine. The power to post on my blog of course. Luckely, I have resisted the call of this power to the extent of my weak will. Viva la Blog!

11:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are about ready for the Indy circuit.

1:01 PM  
Blogger John said...

That sounds like a cool weapon Jonathan! Really wouldn't want one of those comming at me!

Oh, and POST ON YOUR BLOG! Some people (like me) are so pittifull that all we do is check blogs all day! You must save me from my Jonathan-less state of crisis!!!

3:48 PM  

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