Sunday, September 18, 2005

Uncle Dwayne!

Hurray! Today I got to see my good friend Dwayne. We call him Uncle Dwayne and I got to chat with him about all sorts of things. Well I guess I will update this blog again on what is going on. Today I got to sleep in until ten o'clock and then we went to church where I went to the youth worship but since I don't know anyone there it was rather, well, I just don't fit in there. No one really makes me feel welcome there. I don't go there any more because I couldn't really get to know anyone there. Then we went to my grandparents for lunch (which my grandparents called dinner and confused my dad and almost confused me. I am such a smart guy that I caught on almost immediately to the fact that this was no regular dinner but a lunch dinner and not a supper dinner). Wish we could have had you over to eat with us Uncle Dwayne but maybe another day.

Yesterday at my party I had a blast. We (my best friends from school, my dad, sister, and li'l brother) went and shot eachother up in two ferocious laser tag battles. Well we shot eachother up in the second battle. WE DOMINATED THE BATTLE FIELD!!!!! HAHAHAHEAHEHAEHAHEHAHAHAHEEHHEAHEHAHEHHOHEOHEEOHE!!!!!
Well actually we lost both games. But I had high scores in both games! The first game it was the Hoover group (our group name) and a couple others versus a bunch of little kids who barely beat us. They did outnumber us but somehow they had a slightly better strategy. They just sat and took pop shots at our base while we tried to drive them off. Then in the second game the teams were split into three groups and we still lost. I was the high scorer out of the Hoover group though. 6400 points. I must be pretty good I guess. At least we weren't beaten by a bunch of little kids that time. I am not familiar with the best laser tag strategy so I need to develop a good technique. I noticed that I usually aim for the shoulder. I have no idea why. I think it is something with the fact that it is not blocked by the arms and is not so big or something like that. When we went home we started a quick risk game and then watched The Pink Panther Strikes Again. It was great. Hilarious. "I vould loik a rrrrume" as Clouseou would say. Zat vas very exciting. I believe I vill now write like Clouseou. Remember to roll zee errr's in zee throat comme le Francais. Oui je parle un peut de la francais. Ze grammar and ze spelling is probably incorrect. Ze pairson who invented ze grammar for le francais and ze English should be investigated.

Well I guess i will get this posted now. Will post another day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you mentioned me on your blog. Cool! I am truly honored.

3:34 PM  
Blogger John said...

Yay for frequent posting! =) I am glad you had an awesome laser tag game/birthday! Watch out for those little kids. The are much more devious than look!
Plus, I am honored that uncle dwayne was honored. For no real reason, really.
Oh, and I just figured out the souless computer thing myself, so don't worry about that!!

6:19 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Well I am glad that I am not the only person to learn of the soulless computers. I told you I had posted Uncle Dwayne! It was mostly the creation of the Randomstory Blog that got me back on track with blogging.

8:24 PM  

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