Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Retreats, books, movies and all that stuff

Well I had a blast at the retreat. I am actually writing this blog and instant messaging my very good friend John at the same time. I now have google talk and it is awesome. Everyone should also take a look at our story too. We haven't come up with a name for the actual story but so far it is just John and I who are coming up with the story. Well actually it is just me but John will soon post his first section of the story. I can't wait to be introduced to his character. John's good friend Alex may also join us in the story.

Well I had a blast at the retreat. It was awesome. I got to meet all my good friends from school again. Well most of them. I got to worship God with them. It was great. I went and we made a sand sculpture of the sinking Titanic and did a fair job of it. We won the award for the most historic sculpture of a sunken nautical vessel that is now at the bottom of the ocean award.

I had a good time in the free time that we had. I tried this dance game thing that proved very difficult for me. It looks easy. All you do is step on the different squares when the arrows tell you to but there are so many arrows and it is hard to coordinate your movements. I did horribly. I am a beginner though.

I finished the book Eragon. For those of you who are fantasy lovers, I highly recommend Eragon. It has fantasy a plenty and is the type of book that you can't put down once you pick it up. I am definitely going to read the sequel. Someone said it wasn't as good but I don't care. For those of you who don't like fantasy, well, um, I don't know how to save you from your plight. The only way you could save yourselves is by reading Eragon I suppose. For those of you who don't like reading, how do you survive? No offense but reading is awesome. Just as good in some aspects and better in others.

I am now focusing on the Wheel of Time series. I am reading the eighth book and it is quite good. I have enjoyed the whole series and the eleventh book, a Knife of Dreams, will soon be coming out. If they ever make a movie out of Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time it will take years to create. You could have a whole movie series on it. We are talking 12 three hour movies! That would be cool but it would take so long to make them!

Speaking of fantasy movies, The Chronicles of Narnia look fantastic. The only catch is that by the time they come out in theaters we will be in Africa. *Sigh* Oh well. We will just have to wait until the Marine house gets it and then we can go see it. In the capital city the Marines (who guard the embassy) have a Friday movie night thing for ex-pats in the country. You can go and buy hot dogs and watch two movies, swim, and play volley ball with the marines and other foriegners. It is pretty cool. I have been there once or twice.

Well fare well. Be sure to check out my story. You access the webpage via the link on the right side of this text. The link is "Our cool story".


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I LOVE THE MARINE HOUSE. it is an amazing place. love it love it love it. i also love to read. as you can see, i'm a very passionate person. and this happens to be the last entry i'm commenting on today. parting is such sweet sorrow. but of course, i can read the comments you put on mine, and your replies to the comments ive put on yours, and then i'll have even more to say. :D ok, well i need to go, but i just wanted to say that from what i can see, you are an excelent blogger. excelent and splendid. :D oh, i almost forgot. is there any other kind of book other than fiction? i LIVE for fiction, although i tend toward not only fantasy, but some "reality" and mysteries, and classics. you know, louisa may alcott, and "Le Miserables" . i read that last year, and it nearly killed me. try it. i look forward to your next entry! :D yours commenting -Caitlin

4:26 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Hmm...I have heard that "Le Miserables" was a good story. Only I just heard of the movie. Didn't know it was a book. Maybe I shall. I haven't read much besides fantasy for awhile. I used to read historical fiction all the time. Before that it was mystery novels (hardy boys and boxcar children). I am glad you are a reader! Good to have fellow humans who are avid readers. Yep yep!. You also are simply a splendid blogger. You had some interesting stuff. Quite creative. Have you read any of Frank Peretti's books? You should read "This Present Darkness" and "Piercing the Darkness". Both really good novels. Fiction I might add.

7:32 PM  

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