Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Retreat! Hurrah!

Hey you may think that retreat is a bad thing especially when you are in a military engagement. Well this retreat is good. My old school is going on a retreat to Wi-ne-ma and I get to go with them. We will spend the night there and then return home on Friday. That means that I must wake up bright and early tomorrow and drive to school by eight o'clock and catch the bus if I want to ride with any of my friends. I also have to pack tonight but that is a minor problem that is easily taken care of for me. I simply throw two pairs of clothes, my toothbrush and bathroom accessories, a book or two, and some entertainment of some sort (cards, balls, etc) and then I am packed. Oh yes mustn't forget sleeping bags and pillow. Now I am packed. Quite simple really. I have spent my whole life learning how to pack. When I was younger I would stuff my backpack with "necessary items" and then lug them all over and not use more than a couple of them. Now I still cram my backpack but with every trip I make I pack less and less "necessary stuff" and more and more "useful stuff". The difference. Well "necessary stuff" is only what you think (your brain tells you that you need) you need, and "useful stuff" is the stuff that you actually do use on the trip. No matter how little I pack there always seems to be anywhere from 25 to 50 percent of it left unused by the end of the trip. It is quite annoying and I wish I could whittle it down but I think I know what it is. I usually try to conserve things and so I conserve what I use and end up with extra.

Well today work was horrid. It started fine but in the middle of the day the computer froze on a credit card payment and wouldn't accept credit cards. So we lost two meals through that and then finally got it fixed. Then I was taking a lady's order and accidentally entered the wrong number and was trying to get the computer to change it. So I went and got back-up, got it fixed, came back and the money from the order was gone. I had taken it, and then because the computer wouldn't work and open the cash register so I could get change, placed it on the window sill thinking that the lady would want to make sure that I didn't do anything with it. I just wanted to avoid any more complications. Well any way it was gone and I assumed that she had taken it back so I asked for it and she said that she had handed it to me. I will admit she was a great liar. I told her it wasn't on the ground, no one had touched it besides me, and I hadn't put it in the till (cash register) since I hadn't been able to get it open anyway because of the stupid computer! She started saying she wasn't going to "pay again" for it and so I said I would go check to see if any other employee had taken it (which I doubted but hoped someone had). Nope. We got the manager and he just said to let them go because he didn't want to deal with anyone like that. The very next guest in the drive through said he had seen her quickly jump out of the car grab the money and get back in and wondered what was going on and if she had been stealing or what. There was my confirmation. Some people just aren't honest and I hate that. It just ticks me off. I was also rather sad that some people will do things like that. Well now I know not to leave the money in the window when getting back up. Wish I didn't have to learn it the hard way though.

Well I will tell you all about camp later then. See ya.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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5:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jonathan,
If that were to ever happen again, try this bluff. Just tell the lady politely that since her money was on the window sill but isn't there now you will just have to go check the security video and if you did that then whoever took the money would be reported to the police for stealing but if whoever took the money were to give it back without checking the tape then the police wouldn't get involved. However, if she called your bluff you would have to admit to your lie. But before doing that you might walk off like you were going to check the tape and see if she puts the money back. Probably wouldn't work. People who lie like her wouldn't admit she was caught stealing even if you did have her red handed on video tape and the police did get involved. I hate the idea of her getting away with it though. That just encourages her to steal. However, if you ever see her in your drive-through window again you could just refuse to serve her. But I suppose the real Christian thing to do would be to serve her well and not try to get her back in any way and leave justice in the hands of God. And don't let it ruin your whole day.
U. D.

1:41 PM  

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