Sunday, October 02, 2005

Church, Sermons, and Sleep

No matter what I do, I almost always fall into a doze at church. I can't help it. I spend hours on the Internet until I notice that it is almost midnight, then I go to bed and get up to get ready for church. Whether I am tired or not seems to make no difference. I go to church and in the middle of the sermon, while still listening to the pastor my brain slowly winds down until I am nearly unconscious to the state that my head starts drooping. I then wake up and struggle to concentrate on the sermon, which I have by now most likely missed a key point. I then start to zone out and wouldn't be surprised if I have actually gone to sleep with my eyes open. The only thing that would possibly give me away then is the fact that I am not moving. But I literally zone out get tired whenever I listen to a sermon. I can't help it. It just happens. Maybe I need to go to bed earlier. I cannot remain conscious in a car either, unless driving. I just begin to drowse and my head starts to flop all over (especially in Africa when there are plenty of potholes).

The sermon today was something about how the Church should be. The pastor said that we needed to work to belong in a group. I guess he was talking about small groups. Anyway he talked about the Church in Acts chapter 2 and described them as appealing to everyone. Back then everybody noticed the Christian church and wanted to know what it was about. Now few people seem to be interested in the Church and many want nothing to do with the Church. A sad change. I believe it is the Church that changed though. The way Churches operate somehow. I am not sure what exactly we must change in the Church though to show non-believers how real Christians live. I have a couple hunches but I need to ponder them for a while. What do you think? Surprised I remember the sermon? Well I don't sleep the whole time. I do try to pay attention. They have some good (if a boring presentation) stuff to say in church. I try to analyze everything they say with my knowledge of the Bible. That keeps me awake a little but not much.

Well I am quite tired today so I believe I will go study the RandomStory Blog and try to edit my story there and then get off and go read or more likely take a nap while trying to read.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe Christians today don't really believe that Jesus rose from the dead. Maybe they aren't living real. Maybe they are just picking and choosing which parts of God's word they want to listen to and are ignoring the rest. I don't think God likes being ignored.
Live the Life, Jonathan, and show the world what a true follower of Jesus is like. Then I believe you will help turn the world around.
It's good you learned that many who don't follow Jesus are still good people. Only just like you and me they aren't good enough. They still need Jesus.
Sorry for preaching on your blog. You can wake up now and continue blogging or emailing or whatever exciting thing you would like to do now.

8:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooooo. heavy. but so true. i agree w/ your uncle. people are just picking and choosing what they want to believe about christianity. i've seen it, and at times, i'm sure i, ignoring love your neighbor as yourself. that is pretty huge, and i tend to pretend it doesn't exist.

4:17 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

yeah. Definitely. Was it too heavy? I find that sometimes I want to have serious stuff to think on in my well as comedy relief. Though I don't do so well on the latter. John is much better at the comedic relief part. I agree. we all seem to ignore that law. Oh and by the way, Uncle Dwayne isn't really my Uncle. He is another missionary in Kankan. He lived with us and is basically family though. We gave him the honorary "Uncle" that us MK's bestow upon other missionary adults. Well that is what we do in Kankan at least.

7:20 PM  

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