Friday, September 30, 2005

No More Work!

Hurrah! I am finally done with my summer job! Wahoooooo!!!!!! Now I am free...uh...well I still have my chore (washing the laundry) and then again I also have to pack up my room and prepare for the trip back to Africa. I also still have to do French lessons each day and exercise and some type of work. Well I guess I am not exactly free yet but pretty close. Nah I doubt I will ever be truly free in my whole life. There are always things to do. Must wash clothes, or fix dinner, or clean the bathroom etc. Even as an adult I suppose there is never really complete freedom. Because if I had complete freedom all I would do all day is read, watch a little tv, play video games, and if my friends could, play with my friends. Oh and write email and post on my blog.

This is the last day of September and such a splendid month too. September is the best month of the year in my opinion simply because it is my birthmonth. That is reason enough for me. In Kankan it is one of the most comfortable times of year. The humidity is low and the rainy season is finally slowing down. All the plants are green, the grass is seven feet tall, and there are mud puddles every where so when riding your bike you are constantly dodging and weaving through a total maze of puddle filled pot holes. Not too much dust either since it has been washed down by the rain. Yep I am definitely missing Kankan.

Of course I will miss some things about working at Burgerville. For one there were several workers who, while most weren't Christian, they were still nice people and I got along well with just about everyone. There was also one customer who I always talked with and I could get her to laugh most of the time. I am not sure if she was a grandma or just an old mom but she was really nice and when I told her it was my last day her son (or grandson?) seemed upset. I guess I made an impression on him because he kept waving until they left the drive-through. Sometimes I hate moving all over the place like we do. But now I don't have to work 40 hours plus a week and can relax more at home...err...I mean pack more at home.

Well I will now close this post. Close.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to say this, Jonathan, but you are probably the most free you will ever be in your whole entire life. That is if free means you totally lack responsibility and have nothing to do. Enjoy it because it won't be long when you will be free! That is, you won't be under your parents responsibility anymore and will be responsible for yourself which means you reep the harvest of the seeds you plant. If you let the field go to weeds, well, you reep weeds. If you sow crabgrass you get crabgrass. But it is also true that if you sow wheat you get wheat, corn gives you corn, good works bring joy and contentment. You know how it goes. Choose well.

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow, who wrote that other comment. very nicely said. i'm sad to admit that i can say no more. people have gotten here before me and said the exact stuff, but better than i EVER could. ah well. its the sad truth.

4:20 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

I have no idea who wrote that comment. My hunch is Uncle Dwayne but that is just a hunch. I haven't asked him. It seems like his style of writing. You will learn to answer like that in time. If you go to college you will learn all that stuff and more probably. Depends where you go to college too.

7:25 PM  

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