Thursday, October 13, 2005

Long time no Post

My goodness I haven't posted in over a week! Well a bit has happened in that time. We went to my family's (well half of my family's) "Gilson Family Campout". I had an ok time. You see the Gilson family campout is basically all my mom's relatives traveling to my late great grandparent's farm and then working for a couple days to clean it up a bit. Hurrah. That was a sarcastic hurrah. I am not really a farmer. Although I have to say I did a good job splitting wood considering that I haven't ever split any wood...well anyway it was ok. My cousins (all younger and than me by at least 7 years; very annoying and unreasonable quite often) were everywhere. I ended up "mortally" wounding myself. The rug has a metal strip that holds it down but in actuality it is sticking up elevated off the floor. Now there is a floor mat on it but my Aunt just had to move that mat while cleaning unkowingly sealing my fate to slice my toe on it. Didn't really hurt that much. Bled all over though. Thankfully my Aunt also happens to be a nurse so she doctored my toe up real nice like.

Lately I have been playing Tibia. It is a splendid game. Yep! A simply splendiferous game! hehe! Highly entertaining if you have a friend to play with. If not, it is still interesting but you can't have the thrill of bragging with your friend when you demolish some orcs or goblins. No one to celebrate with when you level up either.

Well lately, since I have no work, no school (yet), and am putting off packing (I always seem to put off that sort of thing; no incentive to pack yet) I have tons of free time! Yay! Now normally I would try to be on the internet half the day and read the other half. Only my parents told me I couldn't be on the internet all day. So I instead read all day (unless I am doing chores), play video games and then get on the internet at night. I nice schedule. Yep. I like it. Except for the fact that my brain is slowly turning into a puddle of mush. As I told one of my teachers from last year, "Soon my head will be a box of rocks!" quoting on his catchy line "You're dumb as a box of rocks!" He sounds like my dad! Hehe! When my dad taught Nicholas and I science he called us "knuckleheads" everyday! hahaha! It was great! We were knuckle heads too! That is the funniest part. At the time I believe we considered ourselves quite smart. Hehe! Yep Dad sure "unknuckled" us. Well he took out some of the knuckles in my head.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch! Hope your toe feels better. :-D

5:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry, that's me, Katie! MyBlog never accepts my password so I do my comments as anonymous.

5:56 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

No prob Kate! Nice to have some one comment! My toe is healing up well I think. I am not much of a doctor though. You can select other and put your name in if you like. don't think you need a password for that.

7:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahh!!! That's great! Glad to hear your toe is feeling better. :-)

5:30 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Yes it is! I must now finish my next post so I can get it posted before bedtime.

10:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ahhhh. toes. i like toes. most of the time. sometimes i'm under the impression that they are in the way, but most of the time me likey them lots and lots. i don't know whether i'm goin to be able to comment on 18 entries. i may just do it to 10, because my patience is never noted or envied. sorry. i can do things like yahoo messanger,or AIM messanger, but not things like this. it takes too long. :D sorry. anyway. i just want you to know that i'm sorry abotu your foot, but i guess its already healed, isnt' it? ok, and on to the next entry! oh, and i've figured out that i don't have to go under anonymous any more. funfunfun

4:12 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

heheheh! Did you figure that out or did you read my comment and learn it? No matter you are quite clever indeed! heheheh! Thank you! You have already exceeded my wildest dreams as far as commenting. Doesn't matter if you make it to eighteen. I am just glad you commented. Patience is a virtue.

7:15 PM  

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