Sunday, October 23, 2005

Church and Potlucks

Well today was rather boring. All I did was read and go to church and go to a potluck (which wasn't that great; good food though) and now I am writing on my blog. I was bored enough to beat myself in war. The card game. It was rather boring. I should try playing Egyptian Ratscrew, aka Egyptian Ratcatcher, by myself sometime. I have played Marco Polo by myself. I am proud to say I was so good I couldn't catch myself. Lol! Hahah! Yep. I am a Marco Polo freak. I could play it in the swimming pool for hours on end. Not many people seem to keep up with me in Marco Polo. Well not many people want to play it for hours either. :-) That is the game I am most likely to play in the pool. Quite entertaining. I am really hard to catch besides.

Hmmm....coming up with another topic....ah yes....I am reading the sequel to Eragon. It is so far very good. Just as good as Eragon itself. The dwarves are rather interesting in that story but I still like the way I have designed my dwarves. All dwarves are short and stocky and strong. In all stories it seems to be that way. Yep. They also have red hair or black. And of course beards. Yep. Can't have a dwarf without a beard. Although in my stories I say dwarves aren't allowed to grow a beard until they reach full maturity which is about 50 years old. Custom of the dwarves...the beard is a sign of maturity. ancient Greece the Spartans had cowards grow half a beard...maybe I can adapt that to the dwarves and...well that is for later. Good night.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love potlucks...especially when your the MK they are feeding and get to go first. Heheheheh. And the dwarves' beards things about maturity was pretty cool!

5:36 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Yes potlucks are splendid! Do I overuse that word? The only thing is that usually we don't bring any food and everyone else does and I feel like the odd one out. The unworthy MK receiving free food without helping with the cooking or anything. I figure you have to have some way for the dwarves to distinguish adults from children. I will enjoy creating the elves and humans when I finish the dwarves. I have started some ideas on fairies but mostly dwarves thus far. I was thinking it would be cool to create your own world (like Arania) and then write multiple series that all take place in the same world but each is about a different character, in a different time period from the history of that world. So there could be a series about a dwarf in the third age, then a series about a man in the fifth age, and an elf in the first age etc.

8:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow. really awsome. all of it. and i totally concure w/ kt. potlucks are fun when you get to go first, and not bring anything. althoug, i find that i can't eat any potato salad, or cole slaw that my mom hasn't made. i'm serious. she does this weird thing to both of them, so now i am only able to eat hers. ah well, now i need to learn how to make it............ see ya, on to the next entry, my faithful computer. onward!

3:53 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Hehe! Yes I too cannot abide other people's coleslaw. My mom uses lots of sugar in hers and so when I have anyone elses it tastes horrible. I have adapted and now can tolerate other coleslaws but they just aren't the same.

6:54 PM  

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