Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Busy busy busy!

Hmm...have to get used to posting on my blog via email...I am rather out of
email currently due to school work (exceedingly large amounts of it I might
add). So yes Spencer you are indeed correct in saying that I seem to be out
of touch lately. Indeed it was rather irritating to miss on my Hoop
Scoop...but I was traveling at the time (back to Kankan) and had tons of
school to worry about (exactly 4 modules and a mess of experiments to worry
about at the moment in Chemistry) and so I plead business for my excuse.
Although it is my fault I have been so busy because if I hadn't
procrastinated in the first place...so in the end it is all my fault. I
admit it. Though I shall only be out of touch temporarily.

In the mean time ye may comfort yeself in the fact that I am slowly getting
used to this email publishing thing...yep yep...it is rather disorienting
reading your comments as emails...much different from actually seeing them
on the web page. But thanks for commenting. I thought I had written you
already Spence! Oops! My bad! I shall hop to it immediately! Fare thee folks
well! Actually the only people who read this thing are Zaphod Beeblebrox the
V and MB...oh well. The show must go on! (despite the lack of audience...the
show must go on!)

Last night we watched...er...what was it called...oh yeah! Singing in the
Rain! Don O'Connor was in it and he was totally awesome! The movie was great
(very entertaining indeed) and the songs even better! Love good musicals
with comedy and dance (with music too).

School is crazy...I am officially late on my Chemistry now...I get a grade
lower because of that. But the work must go on! I am going to go back to my
busy work now! (after writing Zap an email that is!)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You updated!! Yay!!! Go Jonathan! Actually wait... dont go! come back! OK, never mind. Do whatever you wish. If you went you had a good reason to go. If you stay you have a good reason to stay. Or at least not a good reason to go.

Yes, you must continue updating! Ooo! Singing in the rain! I saw that! I saw the movie cover that is. I like music videos. Well... I guess it might not be always that I like them... if I'm in a hurry and don't have much time to watch a movie I may find pointless songs thrown in a movie rather bothersome.

Ok, I'm going to get back to school & quizzing.

Have an awesome day!

3:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Old Man!

It dawned on me... I only have 11 days left to over exaggerate your age, mercisly pick on you, tease you without hesitation about one thing which many women lie about, hate to have it be brought up, and you are never supposed to ask them for it. Age.

I heard about this one lady who was the first person in her town to live to be 100. A news paper decided to send someone out to interview her and put her story in the newspaper. The lady talked about her life, and anything else the person interviewing her asked. And right before the reporter left she asked, rather embarissed like, "Can you please not mention my age?"

I know you're so old Jonathan... but be brave.

Ooo, I was going to pick on you some more but I've got to go. I guess I'll continue this later.

5:38 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Yay, I got to hear from you! I forgot you had all those comments mailed to you. Sheez, how many emails did you get a week?!? And don't worry about writing back until you get your school at least manageable. Unless that takes more than, say, a week.

Mary Beth, age is OK to ask ladies (as long as you're polite and are prepared to accept a lie) but The One Thing You Do Not Ask A Woman is how much she weighs. I slipped up on that once, and Katie H has never forgiven me. She started the conversation though...

1:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Spencer... you do have a good point there. hahaha!!!

I heard a story about this little old lady who was lying about her age, she was obviously some-what elderly because of all her white hair. But when filling out a form (I think it was at a doctor's office, not a very good place to have people lying about their age) she didn't put down her age. Welll... the receptionist needed her age so she asked her, but she wouldn't tell her. So the lady got on the intercom and told the doctor the information about the lady, height 5'1, age 92... "I'm not 92!" the lady quickly said, "I'm only 75!"

Another daring thing to do Spencer, is to answer someone when they say for you to guess at their age or weight. I had a councelor one year at a camp (was not at all impressed with her) and she asked me to guess her age, so I guessed "arround 30" and she threatened to have me run laps around the barn.

Hmmmm... gotta bother Jonathan. :-D now how can I do that? Any idea's Spencer? Mwahahaha. ;-)

There was this man going around asking people their age... and he saw two men standing next to each other. So he asked one, "How old are you?" and he answered, "I'm sixty" and then he turned to the other and asked him the same question, "I'm sixty too" he answered. The man walked off... and then had the problem of trying to figure out if the man was 62 or 60 also.

At church Wed. night you'd have fit in quite well where I sat Jonathan. :-D I think that the youngest person around me was in their 60s. Na... that's too young. Probably 70's. So you'd fit right in! :-D haha, ok, I gotta get back to school.

7:36 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Mary Beth you're trying too hard. Just let the jokes find their own spot, don't try and make room for them.

3:32 PM  

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