Saturday, August 19, 2006

Bright New Day

Awesomeness! I just found out that Katie has a blog on blogger now! That is great news! Though she never told me what it was called...hmm...course I didn't ask...but that was because I didn't realize she already had one...:-) Anyways I am going to go check it out and I highly recommend others to do so as well if you can.

Today is Saturday! Saturday is a wonderful day because it is when I usually get on the internet to do email. The only thing is that I don't have to do that I am just finding all my friend's blogs and commenting on them. Fun fun! I am updating my blogs too. I posted on my xanga today and now I am posting on my blogger. The only blog I have not yet posted on is the Random Story Blog because it doesn't appear to be working yet. But maybe it will start working again soon. looks to be a good day! I have already commented on most of the blogs I need to and maybe I shall be able to chat with some friends this wonderful day. This evening our family goes out to eat at Joel's house. Fun fun! the meantime I guess I shall go see if mom...umm...nope breakfast isn't ready yet. Hmm...well what can I discuss? I don't know...hmm...well maybe I shall just ramble! But what to ramble about? Well I can always ramble about the weather. It is currently the perfect weather for sitting at the computer. It is rather grey outside so no one can come tell you to go out and enjoy the sunshine and it is cool enough that one doesn't sweat a swimming pool out of himself every minute. Perfect. Of course if I get up and start running around I will be sweaty in no time. Cool! Time to eat! Well I shall go enjoy my breakfast! Enjoy this post! Hope your blog starts working better John! It was great chatting with you last night! You are hard to catch online! Even though you computer says it is on all day long...but I hope you get lots of paper representing gold from the working place! Oh shucks...the random story blog still isn't your blog working any better John?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahahahaaha! Paper representing gold. That's great. :-D

Sheesh! all you mks will be impossible for me to keep track of all your blogs! WOW! Maybe I'll finally get caught back up when you go back to Kankan... of course... I'll be headed myself for your way soon after that. Hmmmm...

5:46 AM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

mwahahaha! Yep! Just think if I had enough time all the time to blog? Plus internet access 24/7! You would definitely be in trouble, Maybe!

8:21 AM  
Blogger John said...

Nope, my blog is still being a stupid head, but hopefully it and the random story blog shall be fixed soon!

Haha, Mary Beth, and you are only keeping track of guinea MKs blogs, there are probably a million EM-KAYs with blogs all over the world! I just haven't found them yet.

Hey, you know what, I think I was the first Guinea MK to get a blog, and then I showed it to the Albrights, and they were like "What?", and then they introduced Katie to the blogging concept maybe, and from there the blogging phenomenon spread like a wildfire throughout the MK community. Or maybe not. I wasn't there. :)

Good job Jonathan! Post on blog, post on blog!

7:38 PM  
Blogger John said...

Opps got mixed up. Katie is an Albright, I actually meant that I showed it to the Dobbs first. There we go. End Edit.

7:40 PM  

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