Sunday, November 06, 2005

Home Sweet Temporary Home

Long time no post. That aside I shall now recount a tale of my venture into the wilds of Washington and the college world. Well it all started at the college fair I attended awhile back (for those of you readers who have been reading this and know what I am talking about, good for you!) when I found out that we wouldn't be leaving until sometime in November. I had found out about Puget Sound Christian College's SING performance and INVITE seminar thing for prospective students. I had been invited and had declined saying that we would be in Africa by then. Only to have my dad correct me saying he had just made arrangements and that I would be going to the INVITE seminar. That was rather dismaying news at the time since I was hoping to be in Africa by then but I am glad I got to go. I shall now fastforward to the part where we travel to Seattle. The trip wasn't so bad. We stopped at a museum about Mt. St. Helens on the way up and got to watch some movie about the U.S.'s largest volcanic eruption (I think it was the largest?). That was pretty cool. After watching the volcanoe rip the landscape up about ten times in the movie and listening to survivor accounts we then got to look at the rest of the museum. After lunch we continued traveling until we reached the great city of Seattle. We stopped by a church by the name of Plymouth something or other (I don't retain everything about all my trips) and saw my dad's childhood friend Allen. He has just been hired as the head pastor (I guess he is technically referred to as the senior pastor; same difference) and is moving into Seattle. This is good news for dad cause now he can see his friend every once in awhile now. Well maybe a little more than that. Anyway I got to meet Allen and of course didn't recognize him (I guess I was just a toddler the last time we met :) ). I hate it when that happens. My dad was all excited and I really didn't feel that excited. I don't know him though. I am glad my dad had a good time though. Next we raced (well we got stuck in rush hour traffic; so we crawled) up I5 to the city of Everrett where PSCC is. We registered for the INVITE. Went to our apartments, and then to the introduction thing for the INVITE students. The introduction Escape service as they call it, wasn't that great simply because of three things. The worship music was too loud (amazed my ears are still working). The songs were all foreign, uncommon, or unknown to most normal people (really annoying when you can't sing the song cause you don't know the words and you can't hear what the lead singer is singing because the music is too loud anyway so you can't really pick up the song very easily either). Finally the overheads weren't working (so not only can you not sing along, hear the lead singer very well, or understand the words to the song, you can't even read the words in your head! That was really annoying and inconvenient). Anyway we went to bed that night (Thursday night) and my roommates played poker while I watched a movie called "Waterboy" that was really quite interesting. It was on tv and I really wanted to finish it so I ended up going to bed at around 2 in the morning. Had to get up before 7 too. I enjoyed the dorm part of life at college. I got to use the internet in the dorm (on my host's computer) and that was cool. I was able to comment on some blogs and reply to emails that way. The next morning I woke up at 6:45 and showered, shaved, and got ready for the day. I went to breakfast and enjoyed it (muffins and fruit) quite a bit. The company was good (lots of people who go to summer camp with us who I vaguely know) then off to my first class of the day. New Testament Survey. I got lost on the way to class (the neat thing about PSCC is that it is a city campus and so it has all it's buildings in downtown Everrett. So you have to walk around town to get to any of the buildings for classes etc.) but with my expert brains managed to find my way to class after taking a couple of wrong turns. Just have to get my bearings :). New Testament Survey was great and we discussed Acts. I was late and it was a little embarrassing walking in with the whole class watching (usually I am never late to class; not used to feeling embarrassed about that sort of thing). But I survived. is getting late so I shall now post this and continue with my tale on the morrow. Good night readers. Will have more on my travels in Seattle later.


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