Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Youth Group! Yay!

Well today I had a normal day. I got up, had breakfast, etc etc. Yes I did my chores and all that. Tomorrow I get up early to go visit my former school and get a permission slip so I can go to their high five contest. It sounds like your quizzing is pretty close to our school's high five, Katie. I am not that great at quizzing or high five, (however you want to call it) simply because I like to think through my answers before I give them. I usually don't like rushing through anything. I feel as though I might be missing some important part of the question. Anyway I want to get a permission slip to accompany them to their match. That should be interesting. See how smart I am.

Well youth group was great! They had a guest speaker, a little old lady named Flow I guess, and she told about her life. She has witnessed many miracles in her life. Quite amazing! She was our youth pastor's grandma. It was really cool. On the way home from youth group I was flipping radio stations and I hear "you are going to die" on this one channel. Hehe! How pessimistic! Yes it is quite humorous. Of course I am going to die someday. It is nearly inescapable. Yep! Might as well accept it. Maybe I can go out in a burst of glory! Or maybe I can just end my life peacefully as an old man. Whatever the case I hope I accomplish whatever I was made to do here on earth. Then I got to a station that had some strange music. Nice tune but I couldn't recognize any of the instruments. I had something else to write here but like the absent-minded fool I am, I forgot it. Once I had to place a post-it note on my forehead on the way to school in-order to remember to turn in a payment for a field trip. hehe! I rode the bus all the way to school and didn't take it off until I had completed my all important mission. I had spent a week forgetting so it was necessary. That is just one of the many examples I could give you of my absent-mindedness. Well now I shall go check some more blogs and see if I can come up with the next portion of the story for our Randomstory blog. Go to or click on the link "Our Awesome Story" to view the story. Tell me what you think of it. I would really like to know. So far only one other person has read it (Uncle Dwayne) and I am not sure if he has read it recently. Happy reading and good night, sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite.


Blogger John said...

Hmm... You seem to post more often than me, so you win the character contest! Meaning furthermore that I win in actuallity! MWHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!


10:45 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Aha! but you have more posts on your blog which means overall you have posted more than I! So therefore it is the opposite! I win! Yay! Hurrah! Huzzah!

10:33 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

I don't think either of us really understands what we are talking about. Hehe! We are such geniuses that we even baffle ourselves!

10:34 PM  

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