Tuesday, October 25, 2005

John, Mr. T, and Homework

I just finished chatting with John. It was great! He showed me a website (I believe it was www.newgrounds.com) that had sound boards with the voices of actors. Ahh, here is the exact website address. www.newgrounds.com/collection/soundboards.html. That should take you to a list of different actors and you can click on them and hit play game to get a list of lines from shows and movies they were in. It is cool. I chose Mr. T (we use dial-up so I stayed with him since it would take forever to try to do anyone else) and then commenced to have conversations with John. He chose a whole host of different actors. Unfortunately almost all Mr. T says has to do with "fool" only he says it like so, "foo!" Doesn't pronounce the l at the end. Then my sister started messing around with the mouse since I didn't need it while John and I chatted normally. She started hitting the line "Understand" whenever I said something. If you have ever heard Mr. T talk you know he is a real tough guy. Hehe! Anyway as I was telling John he MUST post on his blog my sister hits the button immediately after so the computer growls "understand" and John and we figured that John had better post or Mr. T will come after him. Hehehe! It was fun! Besides checking blogs today (better post John or Mr. T'll getcha) I didn't do much outside of the ordinary. That is to say I woke up, cleaned my room for an hour, did my french lessons, did some sort of physical activity, washed some clothes. The exception is that yesterday we got our first school assignment of the year. We will be studying church history this year and I am to research Jerome, an early Bible translator. I also have to read Acts and memorize a verse. Not much. Mostly just reading Acts and the one page paper on Jerome. Memorization never was too hard for me. Just took lots of time.

Hmm...now I believe Guineagal asked for jokes. Hmm...my Old Testament teacher was a great source for jokes last year. Hehe! He called everyone by a nickname. He even wrote people's nicknames on detention slips. The rest of the teachers always had to ask him who was receiving the detention. Fortunately I never had my nickname on a detention slip. I was an angel in class. :) I never talked at the beginning of the year. Didn't know anyone. No reason to talk. At the end of the year I still didn't talk in class anyway. Cause I can wait until the teacher usually. Yep! Anyway...a good joke...I have one from my OT teacher for you, Guineagal. It was hilarious. Though I normally don't use the vocabulary in it. Still it is funny. Well you know about David and his sons right? Remember when Absalom invites all his brothers to a feast? They all rode donkeys and mules to the feast. Now one of Absalom's brothers had raped Absalom's sister. As a good brother Absalom wanted revenge and so he killed that brother. The rest of the brothers got on their donkeys and fled. As my OT teacher put it, "They got their asses out of there!" I thought it was hilarious! He really makes the Bible interesting. Like one of Esau's wive's name was Oholibama. That is how it is spelled. All year long we were joking over that one. Some of my class mates claim that they will name their daughters that. There were some other funny names too that I can't recall at the moment. Who knew it could be so fun to read the Bible? Well that's all folks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanx soooo much! i'm glad that you remembered my request! ok, just wanted to tell you muchisimas gracias! lol. bye. i need to get MY --- out of here! :D

3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanx soooo much! i'm glad that you remembered my request! ok, just wanted to tell you muchisimas gracias! lol. bye. i need to get MY --- out of here! :D

3:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanx soooo much! i'm glad that you remembered my request! ok, just wanted to tell you muchisimas gracias! lol. bye. i need to get MY --- out of here! :D

3:57 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

? You just posted the same comment three times? Yeah! The joke was funny but I don't normally use that language. Hehe! Still it is rather funny. It has a double meaning. That is why I said my Old Testament teacher tells this joke. Hehe! That way I don't get pegged to badly for using a questionable word. :)

10:37 PM  

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