Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Number Thirteen

Well yesterday I couldn't post because it was too late and I was exhausted. My body hasn't gotten used to day light savings yet. Well now Guineagal and I will begin working together to create the Randomstory Blog. The story is gradually taking shape now and you readers should all go check it out! You can hit the link that says "Our Awesome Story" or go to in order to read our story and please feel free to critique it or give praise for it. Both will be most welcome. Guineagal is actually going to post her chapters through me via email so I will try to have a little paragraph at the bottom of her chapters saying who wrote it. Now there are 13 posts on the story blog! Yay! Hooray! Hmm...I was writing when inspiration hit and I had to go enter a rhyme I came up with. Anyway 13 is my lucky number! Yay! It is a splendid number and just to be contrary I say it is a good lucky number. Hehe! Anyway I don't really believe in luck that much. Sure there is the luck of the draw or chance and all that stuff. But a lucky rabbit foot won't do anything to improve your luck. That type of luck doesn't really help you at all. It just gives you more confidence. Which could be useful but does nothing to affect chance.

Yesterday I attended the Faith Bible's High Five match. High Five is basically a gameshow with two teams from two schools face-off answering questions on everything from science to current news, history to geography. it is pretty cool. Only I wouldn't do that well. I think much too slowly for games like that. Yep yep. All too true. I have to think stuff through and can't think fast enough. Anyway our team tied the other team up and then lost the tie breaker. It was SO close! The tie breaker was an easy question too. Well if you have heard about the lone ranger. The question was "Who is the lone ranger's sidekick?" Do any of you know the answer? I guess it makes sense that they would make the question an easy one so they would definitely get a winner. Still that is really tough. Have you figured out the answer? Was your answer Tonto? Because that is the answer. The answer that tripped up our high five team in the finals. Rats. Oh well.

Then we went to the school's Harvest Party. Even though I am not going got Faith Bible anymore! I got to see most of my friends and had a great time. Splendid wot, wot! Anyway I got to participate in the doughnut eating contest and pinata beating game. Yay! In the doughnut contest I did pretty well. You eat a doughnut swinging on a string. did I mention that there are no hands allowed? Yep they made me work to get my doughnut and I was covered in powdered sugar when I finally got it. (powdered sugar doughnuts). Then on the pinata contest I excelled! The first two boys hardly hit the pinata. Between the both of them they managed to loosen one of the donkey's legs. I removed both legs with my expert usage of sticks! Yes siree! I am a splendid stick fighter! yep yep! I made that stick dance! Then it broke apart from the strain of being jerked around on the rope, and, as I maintain, being weakened by my repeated blows! I now call myself the Pinata Slayer! Yeeeha! Lets hunt some pinata!

Today we went to church like usual. I managed to stay awake through the whole sermon! Yay! On the other hand it was still hard to remain focused. The sermon was about church growth. How churches should grow and problems that may occur etc. There are always going to be problems as churches grow. It was a pretty good sermon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey!! Sorry that I haven't commented in a long time...I really want to read your story, but I remember you saying something like you had to read it in inverted order?

3:55 AM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Hey Katie! Yay another comment! Hmm...yeah. It is simply that the introduction is at the bottom of the page and the most recent posts are at the top. That makes it easy to keep up with the story but you have to read it from the bottom to the top. If you want to read it in order which I recommend reading it in that order. Because otherwise it isn't really a story. That is the only annoying thing. Though Guineagal and I are quickly adding parts to it. Just yesterday I posted three new chapters (2 that guineagal wrote and we discussed and 1 of my own) So the story might double in the number of chapters it grows normally. You can read it in segments. Each chapter is about the size of a regular sized post. Well a regular sized post for me which you would consider to be a long post. So about one of your long posts.

4:09 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I read it! COMPLETELY cool, if you haven't already read my comments that I left on it. So sorry that I didn't get to read it before. It was really good! Y'all keep up the good work!

5:35 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

yay! Was it an easy read? Or difficult to read? Once you started could you stop easily or did it keep you interested enough to read it all in one go? I have no clue what other people think about the story. I do this type of thing for fun all the time though (well usually I don't write the story but now all my best friends are far away so I have to). Anyway we shall continue posting on the story.

11:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok I will try posting a comment on my blog without my account. See if it works...

10:07 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

yep it worked! You just need to fill in the word verification. Sometimes it doesn't post so I have to redue the whole verification process but...the second time I usually get it right.

10:09 PM  

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