Thursday, October 27, 2005

Chatting is a marvelous thing!

Well howdy do and howdy day! What a lovely day! Well not only did I get to go visit my old school today, but I got to finally talk to the mysterious Guineagal! Yay! It was quite enjoyable! I have apparently met her before but my memory fails me. I dearly wish I could remember but I can't. I discovered one important thing while chatting with her though. She is a genius! Just like John and I. Katie too! Once again people began stealing my words and sentences out of my head. That or they are genius! Well to say the least the encounter was interesting. It was fun talking to another MK! Well I do talk to John fairly often too. It is always fun chatting with other MK's though! The other piece of good news is that now I know someone has finally read my whole story! Well so far! Hehe! Guineagal read and said she enjoyed it! Yay! Yes that alone could practically make my day! I was literally bursting with happiness. I had a huge smile on my face. Just now I figured out a comfortable way to use the computer on the internet and sit comfortably in the living room! What a great day this is! Yep, yep, yep! Of course it had its minor irritants (computer problems) but those were finally solved. Yes indeed.

Right now John and I are exchanging verbal assaults. It is fun! We both have "duels with words" and use fantastic philosophy and logic to out think the other and smother eachother with reasons why something is better than another object. Hehe! It is almost like sword fighting taking turns making attacks and defending your point of the argument. We are debating I guess you could say. We do it about all sorts of things. Hehehe! Anyway. I will now go post on my story blog.


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