Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Off to Sleepless Seattle

Howdy readers! I am sorry it has been so long since I posted. I have been working on It is progressing quite rapidly and the story is much improved now that I have someone else to discuss my ideas with etc. Thanks Guineagal! Couldn't do it without ya! Well I could write a story but it wouldn't be nearly so good without guineagal to set me straight everyonce in awhile. She is a splendid writer and has contributed much to the story in the short week we have been writing together. Only a week! Wow! It seems like I have been working with her for ages! My goodness! Time flies and crawls all at once!

Well as you may have deduced from the title, I am off to Seattle. Well actually our whole family is going. We are going to a college tour thing-a-ma-bopper that will let us hang out at Puget Sound Christian College and see all the cool stuff that goes on there. Different classes etc. Anyway I get to go stay at the dorm and learn about college life. Actually last home assignment we had several PMI's (Pioneer Missions Institute I believe) at colleges and the food was great! There would be tons of fellow missionaries, fellow MK's from all over to associate with, and lots of good food! I loved it! Anyway this won't be anything like that. Thursday at 6 pm the college sessions start and they end Saturday morning I guess. Mom and Dad are gonna drop us (my sister and I; she may be a bit young but this is one of her only chances to go to something like this) off and then we are all on our own when they leave. Cool! Nothing like being "free" for awhile.

Once the event is over we next climb in our beloved car and drive to Ellensburg. A small town in the middle of Washington. My dad will speak at a church there on Sunday. At which point we will make the long, boring (driving in the U.S. is always boring; well when you are with family it usually is) drive home. Probably get home tired and late at night. I don't recall enjoying our visit to Ellensburg last year. Most of the churches that support us have little or no youth and I don't recall being able to connect with the two kids my age there. I do remember the drive home was really boring though. You know they need to put curves in the roads here in the U.S. to keep you awake. The construction crews should make sure to keep the road a little rough too so that you are jolting around and can't sleep if you wanted to. Then we wouldn't have nearly so many problems with drivers falling asleep. If you are alert cause you are worried about pot holes you will also stay in your lane (unless you are dodging a pot hole that is; in which case you can use the other lane if there is no one in it).

I meant to post about what I did on halloween. We were "volunteered" to help out at our churches Harvest Party. My dad didn't go 'cause he pointed out that we aren't really celebrating any harvest, no one who went is probably a farmer or knows much about farming anyway, and he had a couple other reasons involving children needing parental guidance etc. I forget the details. Anyway we went and "volunteered" to help out. Now I will have you know that I was even planning on volunteering of my own accord but my mom went ahead and did it for me. Which then made me not want to go. That coupled with the fact that Dad wasn't going, and I was chatting with guineagal and we were going over the story etc, and having fun creating it. I went anyway and still had a decently fun time. If you can call scrambling around collecting giant horseshoes for four lines of kids fun. The giant horse shoes were almost like throw pillows. Very soft and flexible. Anyway there were twelve of them and four poles that the kids had to try to ring. I spent the time (from 6 to 8) rushing around collecting horse shoes, speaking in a cheerful voice (it gets hard to maintain a cheerful voice when you get tired), switching to southern accents for the cowboys, yoda for the jedi, and calculating a batman's batarang skills, all the while gathering horse shoes and returning them to the throwing line. I was tired by the end of the two hours. Soooo many kids! The only other person manning our station was a neat guy named Adam. He has a real English accent which is pretty cool. Half the time I spent speaking in an English accent. They are such a cheerful accent. :) anyway I need to go to bed. So, my good readers, I shall post upon my return. Well I might take the computer and get a chance to post up there...but I won't count on it. :) Good night. Tomorrow we travel to sleepless Seattle!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey - awesome movie! Have a great time!

3:46 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

I saw it once. It was ok. Today was rather interesting. I will post on my trip once we get home though. I will go check your blog real quick.

11:25 PM  

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