Monday, November 07, 2005

Continuation of the Washington Venture

Now let me see...where was I? I totally forgot...a bit of review here and, ah yes! New Testament Survey! yes well I was late and all that stuff. Now onwards! See what happened next...I am not sure if I went to chapel next or if I went to financial aid but I think it was chapel. Most likely chapel. Chapel was an improvement of the previous night since we sang songs that people knew a bit more. Plus someone included me! Yay! Usually I am a loner and sit by myself (until I find a friend) but some college freshman called me over and had me sit with them. Of course they were sitting near the back, but hey at least I can sit with someone. Next we went to financial aid I believe. That was interesting. I learned a bit about financing my college education. Then we had lunch and watched some of Batman Begins in the student center. Now the student center is awesome! They had a pool table, widescreen tv, and there was always someone there. Always some movie on and I got to practice my pool playing. I am ok at pool. My dad maintains that I was adopted from China because of my terrible pool playing but I don't think I am that bad. Heheh! I finally went to a class called Business Math and that was cool. All the math is practical and so it was quite interesting (even though I didn't understand hardly anything they were saying). That was my final class of the day. Then I hung out at the Student Center until it was time to go to the SING program. Catching a ride with my room mates, we went and got some pretty good seats near the front. We then watched a series of skits and sang some cool praise songs which was fun. A speaker gave a great message about how we need to respect God more. Not put Him off all the time etc. I will give you the gist of the skits. One was a dating game show with this guy pretending to be a person with a split personality. He is trying to decide between three people. A lady who is crazy about cats, a lady who is crazy about fire, and his second personality. It was hilarious! Another was about four camp counselors who get locked in the bathroom by the campers and are trying to get out. Throughout the skit all you could see was four pairs of feet sticking out and and moving when the person talked. Plenty of sound effects though. Hehe! That was one of the funniest! Anyway we went home after brownies and ice cream. I watched "Man on Fire" until about 3 to 3:30 in the morning and then went to sleep. When I woke up I went to a special breakfast and listened to the College president give a cool speech which I have only retained a generally idea of what it was about. I met a girl who has actually been to Guinea and that was neat. Didn't get to chat much though. Helped pack up some stuff...played pool at the student center until dad picked me up. We then got my sis and went to my Aunt and Uncle's house to visit with my cousins and all. They are ok but rather annoying. All below the age level that I enjoy playing with most (around 12 or 13 and up to college age I guess). I was really tired though. I started sleeping on the way over and when I sleep in the car, well...if my head is down and lolling all over I sometimes drool and that is rather embarrassing. Sometimes. Unless I am just too tired to care. Hehe! Anyway I was pretty exhausted. I managed to be rather presentable at my cousins but I finally ended up on the couch sitting with hat down over my eyes dozing. We then drove to the town of Ellensburg that same day so Dad could speak there on Sunday. I slept and drooled on and off the whole way there of course. My parents will every once in awhile comment on some beautiful landscape or whatever but I don't care. I just want to sleep. It was snowing (we don't get a chance to see much snow in Portland and Seattle) and I didn't care. I just wanted to sleep. The next day we had to go sit through Sunday school with my parents while they discussed everything that we already know along with a couple things I don't know but now do know. I was in a trance, head down, listening and dozing at the same time. I heard every word they said. I even understood everyword they said. My brain just shuts all else down except what is needed to listen. So everyone thought I was dozing off in Sunday school. Too bad the church has no youth at all. Only about 4 kids, one high school senior and some people who look to be in their 30's. That is what they consider getting lots of young people. Everyone else is at least 50. I managed to stay awake for dad's sermon though. usually I can only manage an open-eyed doze in the middle of service. I can sleep in church with my back totally straight, not move a muscle and just completely zoned out and relaxed and still hear the preacher. Though sometimes I zone out too much and have to move myself before I fall into a deeper sleep so I can keep listening to the sermon. I have it down to an art. I still listen and comprehend the sermons too! Really cool! I can even analyze it if I try and test the pastor's main points in this trance like state. Yay! I really try to stay awake and alert and it is so hard for me. So hard. I managed that time though (usually Dad's sermons are interesting anyway). Hurrah! Huzzah! Haha! See then we went and had a potluck like thing with the church and drove home. During which time I slept and drooled more of course. During the latter part of the trip (once we reached Oregon) my sister and I began goofing off and dancing to music on the radio in our cramped seats. Just for something to do. We ate at Sharis when we got back in town and then came home and got back settled in! yay! So there we go. A quick overview of my Washington Venture. Hehe!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, it's time for school. but I am going to come and read it soon!! Thanks for commenting on my site!

4:36 AM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

No problem. It was a pleasure to comment. I like being social. Hmm...speaking of which...I shall go investigate John's blog now!

9:53 PM  

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