Monday, November 14, 2005


Mondays are definitely up there for worst days of the week. On Monday you have to go to school or something always happens on Monday. For my little brother, he had a root canal. Poor guy. In Africa there was this guy who gave my brother and his best friend a sucker every day. As a result his baby teeth are horribly cavitied. My parents have spent over 2000 bucks to save his baby teeth so his permanent teeth won't be ruined. I never had that problem but then my brother has it easier than I ever did in many aspects of life. Mostly because my parents are more experienced at raising kids now than they were with my sister and I. I am the experiment in my family. Yep yep. That is me. I guess I have come out ok.

This evening my sister and I were trying to out score each other in our arcade games on the computer. My sister has the high score in many of the games cause I don't play them as much. I am proud to say that in Sushi Suzi I got the high score and my sister couldn't touch it! Of couse the exact opposite happened when we played lock-out but that is ok. You win some you lose some.

Hehe! Mom is watching wife swap right now and it is driving me crazy. They pair two families of opposite beliefs and habits and switch out the wives. There is one wife who is a vegan and believes that the sun replenishes your calm and is like eating a meal. This lady doesn't believe in punishment and that the child should punish themselves. The problem with that is that childten aren't that responsible yet. The reason children has parents is because their minds aren't developed completely and their parents are supposed to help teach them the correct way to live. They have to teach that there are consequences and punishment is one way to do that. Sure there may be other ways but I just don't think that letting a ten year old punish themselves is the best way to do it. Now you could let them choose their punishment. My parents let me do that once. It wasn't pleasant but better than the grounding I was going to get. Yep yep. The other lady believes in meat eating and I agree with her on many points except she lets her kids eat tons of sugar which makes them extremely hyper and troublesome. Wife swap is quite interesting. Amazing what some families do. Of course my family is pretty different in some aspects of life.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yay! Two people have updated so far - you and John. I am bored out of my skull and am therefore going through every link on my blog seeing who has updated...congrats! I have no idea WHY I just said that.

2:14 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Ah yes...boredom. That is how I sometimes feel when on the internet and no one has updated and no one is on the internet and everything is the same old thing. Will update soon again!

8:14 PM  

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