Saturday, November 12, 2005

Party Time!

Well today we had my brother's birthday party. For those of you who are steady readers of this blog you all may be saying "Didn't you celebrate his birthday days ago?" Actually I am not really sure how many regulars I have brother did have his birthday earlier this week. And yes we celebrated it but the key word here is that it was on a week day. Meaning that we couldn't invite any friends over (cause they all have school and we don't). So that was just the family party. This is the one where you invite all the friends and they come and party party. No did not just write the same word twice on accident for those of you who think that was a typo. (My sister would single that out instantly and find anything she can to twist my words). Anyway so that is the reason. I had a blast! Besides the fact that half the people invited already had other parties to attend, of course. We watched Veggie Tales: The Lord of the Beans (I highly recommend it to all talking vegetable fans), ate delicious cake and ice cream (I made mine into a root beer float; yum yum), Evan got a remote control car, had pizza! But the best part was the combat! It all started with my little brother, who is quite the fighter (I have him well trained to wreak havoc!). He was sword fighting Andy (my friend from school and one of the three guests who came to the party). Then I sort of joined in with my knives, and my sister and her friend (Andy's sister who is the same age as my sister and the second guest to attend) and her friend's sister (slightly younger than my sister) joined. Soon my sister inevitably dug out the heavy guns (my nerf weapons) and teams were automatically established (boys versus girls) and the girls happened to have three of the four heavy duty weapons! hardly fair if I do say so myself! Not to mention that my little brother joined the girls! He really is a ladies man I it was 2 on four. I think we managed rather nicely with darts flying all over at us and one gun between Andy and myself. I was knifing people left and right until the girls managed to steal my knives and hid them. I must say I died quite a bit myself. By the time I lost the knives I managed to get one of the guns though (unfortunately they aren't much use in hand to hand). All in all I did fairly well. I don' t believe anyone won. Though I must say there was a pretty swift exchange rate of weapons. Yep! It was marvelous playing that! Just like the good old days in Kankan when I made everyone card board swords and we had hundreds of paperballs at our disposal. the living room was transformed into a papery battlle field and strewn with paper and cushions (from the fortifications; aka couches and chairs). Those were the days! We would have all sorts of fun with those! Well enough dwelling on the past. After the party we watched Around the World in 80 days which I have read before. It was quite entertaining. Not a classic movie but entertaining. Ah yes and during the party we of course played Moose moose. You don't really know my family until you have played Moose Moose with us! We are killer Moose Moose players (though today I was an off day for dad and myself). It is an intensely fun game which requires lots of discipline (to keep from laughing so hard you can't play and thereby being demoted in the game to the lowest rank). Our family has developed some interesting strategies for playing it. Hehehe! If you ever need an activity and we happen to be around just say moose moose and we will hop to it! Only draw back is you need lots of people who will listen to the rules and aren't impatient etc. Anyway so now here I am, writing on my blog for lack of anything else to do. Lately the internet is really boring. Normally I would chat with guineagal or John about our story but no one is on the internet lately and usually in a rush when they are so...yeah. People get busy and the internet gets boring. Yep yep. Well...I don't really have much else to say. I saw a cool documentary on a battle in the English Civil war but that was a couple days ago. Hmm...yeah I am pretty much out of topics. Now I shall discuss my lack of topics for a topic. After all that is something, though it is rather boring, don't you think. Ok I guess I will spare you from my ramblings. We are starting to look for plane tickets. That is good and bad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun! Moose moose! :-D What's it about? Okay, there is not really much to say, since I am chatting with you right now. :-D

3:37 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Moose Moose is really hard to explain on paper. Basically you have everyone in a circle and each person is an animal with a motion and sound. There is a king of the jungle and he (the universal he) starts the round off by doing his motion and sound and then another animal's motion and sound. That animal then does its motion and sound and then another animal's motion and sound. You will have to have me show you someday. The motions and sounds are funny! Anyway this goes on until someone makes a mistake and breaks the pattern. That person then moves and takes the lowest chair in the circle and everyone below him moves up one chair. The people who moved now trade animals (each animal is a certain rank and has a position that the person who is that animal sits in until they move up one to become the next highest ranking animal). The goal is to become the king of the jungle by advancing from the lowest animal to the highest animal when you get people out. My family plays Extreme Moose Moose. In that one slight error (hand doesn't make the motion the exact way it is supposed to be done; sound isn't pronounced enough etc) is cause to be demoted to the lowest rank in the jungle. :) My brother actually modified the game for his party and called it Duck duck goose Moose Moose

8:28 PM  

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