Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Birthdays and More Pictures

Well yesterday was my little brother's birthday. He got some cool star wars action figures but what I think is the most interesting gift was the new veggie tales movie, Lord of the Beans. Though I have not yet seen it, it looks to be quite interesting. It is about Toto Baggypants and his magic bean going on a quest to discover great biblical truths etc. Yep! I can hardly wait to see it! I gave my brother a gameboy game. Lego Knight's Kingdom to be exact. He has been playing that quite a bit. Seems to enjoy it too. That is good. Today we got up and went to get pictures for our church. I have this ridiculously large smile on my face cause the photographer was constantly saying "say boogers" or "stinky feet" or some such thing which got me wondering what I could creatively say besides that and was rather amusing etc. Good photographer. Anyway while we waited for the photos to develop we walked around the mall. I made straight for the video games while Mom and Elizabeth went to this ridiculously pink store to look around. It was pitiful. Dad said he managed to stay in there for three minutes and dared me to stay in longer. I didn't want to. Alien planet. Too much bright pink and jewelry and what not for my taste. How do you girls stand it? Well I had to go in there a couple times but I wasn't in there very long at all. Just long enough to tell mom where I would be next. We got to go to G.I. Joe's (A sports store) next door while we waited. i looked for some fencing and archery gear but all they had were compound bows (the bows with all the pulleys and multiple strings and that appear as though you need a phd in order to shoot). I hate compound bows. I prefer the good old fashioned recurve or long bow (which require strength to shoot). See the whole purpose of a compound bow is to make it easy to draw back the string. I want to be like the English and Welsh longbowmen who just hauled back on their hundred pound draw weighted bows and let fly arrows that could punch through armor at 300 yards. Yep yep! I have heard that the English archers could shoot around ten arrows a minute and that is formidable. Especially back in the old days when rapid fire weapons did not exist. I love archery! As for the fencing I didn't find anything at all. It is a sports store though so I guess I shouldn't have expected to find any fence posts there. Maybe at a hardware store. haha! I am trying to find equipment for saber fencing but it is almost impossible to find much of anything. Rather annoying but oh well. Dad found an ice cream maker and was really excited about it until he read the instructions and finally noticed the ingredient ice. We don't have ice available in our house in Guinea, or even a refrigerator for that matter. Hehe! So much for that. I guess I shall continue improvising. I have found that shin guards work well as bracers. Next time I get in a sword fight with anyone I shall wear my shin guard bracers and my arms will be invincible! Hahaha! I practically feel like an armored knight just wearing them. I can always make card board armor in Guinea too. That sometimes works (and sometimes doesn't). I also have my stash of homemade bows and arrows so that should suffice for the archery (not as nice as the ones here but they work).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell Evan Happy Birhtday for me. I'm sorry I missed his birthday but we did think of him and pray for him that day.
Have you checked out I thought you might like it.
Actually, you don't need a PhD to shoot a compound bow, just build one. It shoots the same as a long bow only you can hold it longer to site in and wait for the enemy to get closer. With a long bow, if you wait at all with it drawn you will end up beating yourself to death as your arm starts to shake because it can't hold on any longer.

2:26 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Hehehe! Yes yes I know I know. I am just adverse to military technology and all that stuff. Pitiful but sometimes I prefer the hard way to the easy way. Besides whenever I use a compound bow, no matter how I hold it it always slaps my wrist with the string because of the way the pulleys etc are set. I never slap myself with bowstrings! It doesn't happen to me! I have most of the technical stuff down and that just annoys me. I guess I am just biased against compound bows. Now a good longbow, or a composite bow...that would be cool! Then I can compare to real archers back in the old days!

2:34 PM  

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