Thursday, August 17, 2006

Return to the Light!

Hello blog! I have returned to the lightside of blogging! ;-) Just kidding. But John calls this the lightside of blogging and viewed my switch to xanga as "falling to the darkside" and all. Unfortunately xanga doesn't allow me to email posts so therefore I think I shall be switching to blogger again. John is right. Blogger rocks! I loves it! Only problem is that the Random Story Blog isn't working for some reason...gotta get John to fix that up. yep yep...must have him look into that. In the mean time I shall continue on to other things.

Well my week of work is over. PBT just had its branch meetings and I was helping babysit a dozen kids. Tiring work. I am tired right now actually. It has been awhile since I have posted on this blog. Anyways I am back and shall now begin giving y'all the scoop.

Joel and Katie helped out in babysitting. They were great! Katie of course, was bothered. We had a blast bothering and probably drove the poor girl crazy. If you are reading this Katie, thanks for coming to help out! It was great fun! Hope you also had some fun!

As for the babysitting, we had all the usual fun. Helping kids do crafts and all sorts of things like that. Most interesting. I shall relocate to the guest house now since town power is on and I hear keys jingling downstairs. Don't want to get locked in or end up having to lock up without access to keys.

Ok so I am back. Our new president, Uncle Greg has just arrived in from the U.S. I am not sure exactly when he or if he has assumed full responsibility of the mission yet. But he used to work here in Guinea. OH yeah! For the readers info, I am currently in Conakry, Guinea. With nifty wireless connections no less. You won't find a wireless connection anywhere but the University in Kankan.

Our week babysitting was...interesting. It involved a game called "musical costumes" in which Joel and I, two BIG boys ended up having to wear dress up clothes that were made for little girls for the most part. I shall leave it to your imaginations to figure out what we looked like but it was rather embarrassing especially for poor Joel. Quite hilarious too. I have started a blog for Agent Funny Face now. I highly recommend all my readers to acquaint themselves with this character as it may become essential to some of my future posts. You can follow along as I repost his adventures on my new blog for him. I am also editing them so the reader shan't have to work so hard to read the post. Oh yes...and John, please fix the Random Story Blog. I don't know what happened but it isn't working now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahhahaa!!! BIG boys??? ;;) Ya right! Hmmm... well... Joel might be... but you on the other hand. >:) hahaha. :-D Yep yep... that is nuts! haha! sounds like fun. :-D

1:32 PM  
Blogger John said...

Yay Lightside! Um, I would tell people that you are posting on your blog again, but I can't, I am still stuck! NOOOOOOOO!

But good good goooooodnessly good posting!

7:42 PM  

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