Sunday, November 27, 2005

7 Days

Well I have approximately 7 days remaining in the U.S. My mom is now completely recovered and we are packing up and preparing to leave on December 5th. I still have plenty of packing to to pack my bike...pack my clothes...pack a bunch of little things in my room...sort through my brother's stuff with him. Yep tons to do in a week! Packing is always so hectic. I have never heard of anyone who had all their stuff packed and nothing left to do for the last 7 days before they left. Everyone seems to slowly increase their frantic packing as the departure date draws near. Funny that. My family no exception. We are starting to pack like crazy. Of course I haven't increased my packing too much simply because I have most of my papers and books packed and now it is simply a matter of finishing the small stuff and a couple larger objects. Like some board games and my bike. Bike is quite important of course. yes yes. Guinea is the ideal place for biking. Lots of potholes and mud puddles in the roads. Well whenever there is any rain there are mud puddles. Otherwise it is all dry. Nice and brown. Yep that is what Christmas in Guinea is like.

Hmm...I shall have to continue the story via email through John Wilkos. From the time we leave for Africa he will be posting in my stead when it comes to the story...which is a really cool story! Yessiree! I like it! Of course I am one of the authors so of course I would naturally like it.

I shan't be able to post on this blog regularly once we return to Guinea. I may begin posting every couple months whenever I can find a good internet connection or go to a cyber cafe but that might not be very often at all. I may just not bother until I can get a good connection for free...whatever happens though, I think once I return to the U.S. I will most definitely pick up blogging again. Yep yep! This a most interesting way to express yourself. Not that many people read it but at least I can express myself to whoever is patient enough to put up with all my ramblings. Hopefully I can post a couple more times before we leave. We shall see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy packing! If you come to my house, I believe we will have wireless high-speed internet and you can update! Or give me your password and screen name and e-mail your posts to me and I will post them. Mwahahaha. Total control. :-D

4:43 PM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

No way! You are going to have wireless highspeed internet in Guinea! Guinea is like the last place on earth I would think could receive that sort of thing. Hmm...I shall just have to swing by your place. Give you my password! What! Are you kidding! Only if you totally agree not to do anything to my blog. Just post what I wrote.

4:53 PM  
Blogger John said...

I didn't know that you were leaving so soon!! What shall we do without our Jonathan!? The future is bleak! Take care in Guinee! Don't get eaten by monkeys or anything! ;)

Yeah, hey, you could also send me your blog posts at the same time as your story posts and I could put them both up if you wanted. The blogging must go on! That way I could sign into the random story blog as you and then we could have the "author" things match and all. Hehehe. YES! I too wish to have ALL the POWAR! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Total control. :-D

Naw, I promise not to post anything wierd. The only problem being that you wouldn't be able to see your comments and all, which would suck.

Hmm... thinking... AH YES! I know of a program which can download webpages in thier entirety! I could grab your blog off the internet and send it to you, and you could read the comments, make your own comments, and then send it back, and I'll make the needed changes to your blog! It's John-proof! ( Much better than foolproof. ;) )
I just think it would be a shame to lose your blogging powas!

Alright, take care man, it won't be the same without you on the internet all the time! :'(

10:50 AM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

I shall dearly miss posting with you John...hmm...that may work giving you my password so you can post for me and all...that would be really cool. That is a problem with the comments though. Yep yep definitely a problem there. You shall have to be my eyes John. Usually when you promise you are pretty trustworthy too...I shall give it much thought. I would love to continue my blog too! Hahaha! I was wondering...can I change my password? Cause I'd like to change it if I give you a pass word and had better not change it on me if I do let you post my blogs. I must hasten to bed! Night night!

1:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that would be rather humerious... playing a guessing game to figure out who is leaving comments and posts. Yep. And yes... what will we do without Jonathan?

6:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What shall we do??? And now he's gone! Sorry, Jonathan...I haven't been here in a while. Hey! John! That was MY idea...just kidding. Wow, you are a genius. How do you know all of these websites and such? :-D

12:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Didn't Jonathan say he couldn't read comments any more? We should just bombard him with lots and lots of comments (as well as emails) and then... well... that's the end of my ingenious plan.

3:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This inginous plan hasn't been put into effect. This comment is ment as bombardment. I can't wait to meet you Jonathan!!!!!!!!!! :-) Yeah!!!

5:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is Agent FF gonna be able to continue his story here?

9:09 AM  

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