Friday, August 25, 2006

Rain, My Parent's Trip to Alaska, and More Rain

Ok so yesterday was my parent's Anniversary and the rainiest day I have ever seen as far as I know. It poured all day long. We aren't talking a drizzle the entire day. We are talking it was raining cats and dogs all day long with very few pauses and while sometimes it didn't rain as hard it was still coming down pretty fast. So what does one do when the weather is dreary? Stay inside and mess around the house. My parents spent the day preparing for their romantic dinner tonight. Since neither me, nor my sister, are first rate cooks (we can make stuff out of a box...but I know barely enough to get by...I just don't cook stuff) mom and dad cooked their meal and got it all set. Then it was my job to serve the meal, Evan took pictures and provided entertainment, and my sister was the Captain. The setting, they were on a cruise ship visiting Alaska. So we all dressed up and got spiffy (meaning I put on a nice shirt with a collar, wore my tie, and put on some dress pants), and then I served them a fine dinner. Dad had set up one of the rooms here in the Guest house and hung pictures of Alaska all over it and gotten everything just so. He had Charlie Peacock playing in the background. It was great! So then I came in as their waiter and got their food. The "wine" was in a fancy vase with ice to keep it cool (it was really Fanta) and all in all, you could hardly tell that one was in the CMA guest house. A lovely game of pretend. Then after dinner (for my parents) they went "ashore" and visited Alaska via the cyber waves.

Then of course we had rain...and more far as I know it rained through the night until this morning. Over 24 hours of practically non-stop rain. Not light rain either. Not sure how many inches we got. Have to go ask Uncle Charlie. Thankfully the rain has finally stopped! Yay! Now it is just extremely cloudy.

Well my little brother would like to use this computer...he wants to play Lego Star Wars. Fun fun...I shall get off and allow him to do so. I was wondering...does anyone have any idea who Billy Jo is? Cause she commented on my last post...better yet. Billy Jo! Who are you?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Out of curiosoty, why Alaska?
Wow! Your family is sooo creative! hehee. Evan is quite the entertainer. :-D haha. Of coures... I know another guy who is quite entertaining too... Hmmm... Silly Boy? :-D Yep! That would be the guy. haha.

Ok.. I gotta go. Catch ya later!

6:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can I comment if I don't have a blog? Let's find out.

3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes you can Spencer. :-D hahaha. Hope you can see that.

Well Jonathan, have a great day!

9:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm... this is a comment. Will you update? pretty please? While I'm not chatting with you. :-D hahaa. I'm so demanding. :-d

4:30 PM  

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