Sunday, August 20, 2006

Rainy Sunday

Once again the weather is perfect for surfing the web. Drizzly and rainy outside. This time I have eaten breakfast. Mom and Dad aren't up yet and so I just got it all out and made the milk. Cold cereal of fix your own oatmeal. Neither is too hard.

I just posted on my xanga and now I am posting on this thing. Yep yep...Blogger rocks! I mean I can set it up so that it emails me comments! I just can't get over that! I know xanga has a thing that tells you what happened on your account that day but they don't email you your comments. You have to be connected to the internet in order to read your comments. Yep yep...which will be no good to me in the village with a Sat modem. Pretty much all we can do is email with a Sat modem. Speaking of which...need to see if we can get that satellite modem working.

All the PBT missionaries are leaving now...the guest house is slowly emptying and losing occupants. It was chock full this past week and now people are returning home to get back to work etc. Although several are staying to get supplies here in Conakry. That is important. We actually need to get our car fixed. It sounds as bad as those taxis they have. Whenever we hit a pot hole something in the engine rattles and shakes. It reminds me of...umm...what was that show? Mythbusters! Have any of you seen it? These two guys go around finding the strangest myths (like they were testing to see if a portapotty would explode from the fumes of decomposing waste if someone lit a match inside of it). Well they took this car, pretty much destroyed the drive shaft trying to get it to drop into a pot hole and pole vault the car and possibly flip it. They finally managed to doctor it up so that they could control when it snaps off and drops into the pothole. Then they found that even if they hit the pothole dead on, the car was going too fast for it to catch the pothole (30 mph) and so then they had to slow down. They finally did manage to get it in the hole and the car did this nose dive thing and the back tires rose up a couple feet off the ground. No flip though. The drive shaft got driven straight up and into the trunk of the car though. On the exploding porta-potty section, while they did manage to blow open the door of the porta-potty, they only managed to do it by taping up all the vents and pumping it full of methane gas (they had lots of methane too). They said that they busted that myth but if you ask me, any possibility of being roasted by a porta-potty explosion is enough to keep me from playing with fire and porta-potties. Yep yep...anyways...tonight we have to lead teh worship at church...that is going to be a scary new experience...why me? OH well...I will just have to persevere! Never led worship before...I can just look at it as having a new experience and growing wiser and learning more.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ummmmmm... you know... I'm glad I wasn't in any of those exparaments. And... you play with matches in a porta-potty? wow and here I thought I was the only one. KIDDING! I figured there had to be a few other maniacks out there. (and no, I have never played with matches inside a porta-potty, the stench is bad enough, I certainly would pass on seeing what's causing it! EWWW!)

ummm ya... I finally commented here! How are you? I hope good.

4:29 AM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

hahha! Well I ain't been lighting no matches in any porta-potties either. Actually they don't even have porta-potties here in Africa. So I don't have to worry about a porta-potty erupting any time soon.

9:23 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooo stay safe Jonathan. You never know when a mad sientest porta-potty lover might decide to make a porta-potty bomb and try to aim it for Africa... Ewwww. That would smell nasty I am sure.

2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

No updates here? What? I'm so sad. :( Awww... that's ok. I'll catch ya later!

1:25 PM  

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