Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Me and My Clone

Hey folks! Ok so the title of this post may be rather...misleading. But it is half true. Here is the story. Ok so I upgraded my yahoo messenger and it had this microsoft outlook program or something that it wanted to install and it would use that to coordinate all my contacts and find which ones I could possibly chat with. So I did and it found several people including myself. I have no idea why it came up with myself...except that I have two email addresses...anyways so I hit the send invite button thing to invite them to chat with me. And then next thing I knew I had been added as a contact in yahoo messenger and there was an exact profile pic of myself sitting there. So I thought, can I really chat with myself? In curiousity at this peculiar occurence I selected my new clone and typed in a greeting. Almost instantly it was replied to me exactly as I had written it (rather freaky I might add). Well after doing a bit of that I got bored and went onto other things. Well now tonight my sister was lamenting the fact that none of our friends were online to chat with us. I told her that Grandma and Grandpa were and also that I was also online. Then I commenced to show her how I could chat with myself. Well after a few lines I typed in "this is stupid" because i was just reading what i wrote as a reply to myself every time. Somehow the computer took a bit longer to type something than it took me so I commented on my clone's slow typing abilities and believe it or not it told me that I was a slow typer! Sheesh! I type faster than it does!Why all it does is copy me! The nerve of that clone! Anyways so I was getting riled up and at the nerve of that dumb clone and it said everything right back to me! Here is the exact discussion that took place between me and my computer clone counterpart:

jondehoover: Hi
jondehoover: Hi
jondehoover: How are you
jondehoover: Are you doing fine?
jondehoover: Are you doing fine?
jondehoover: You type rather slow
jondehoover: You type rather slow
jondehoover: I don't type that slow!
jondehoover: I don't type that slow!
jondehoover: How dare you insult me!
jondehoover: How dare you insult me!
jondehoover: This is stupid!
jondehoover: This is stupid!
jondehoover: I don't have to listen to you!
jondehoover: I don't have to listen to you!
jondehoover: You idiot!
jondehoover: You idiot!
jondehoover: What!
jondehoover: What!
jondehoover: Did you call me an idiot!
jondehoover: Did you call me an idiot!
jondehoover: Why how dare you!
jondehoover: Why how dare you!
jondehoover: I can't believe this!
jondehoover: I can't believe this!
jondehoover: Oh I give up!
jondehoover: Oh I give up!

Now how strange is that? I was dumb enough to almost get riled up about that though! Heheh! Well I shall close this post now! ADios!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Jonathan... hahahahhahaa.... that is too funny. hahahahaha!!!!! Good thing there aren't any buckets around... although I do see a few cups. hahahha!!! Wow. haha! You're great. weird but great. ;-) hahaha!
Hmmmm... if i leave this as anonymous I wonder how many split seconds it would take you to figure out who it was... lol

6:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do declare that dem folks wid dat fancy dooflinkin' internet thang-a-ma-boppers has gots too much time on dem hands! Why I never 'eard of sech a thang as summat that 'ould say everthang right back at yous lickety split like dat. But 'tis summat dat dem folks who is bored stiff and gots nuthin ta do as are stoopid enough ta git demselves in a pickle wid a computer.

3:04 AM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Well I already know who posted the anonymous comment...definitely Maybe. But who is Billy Jo? She commented on my site too! What is going on here? Well for your information billy jo, I was bored and didn't have anything else to do really. So there!

3:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmm.. you figured me out.

whose billy jo? Billy Jo reveal yourself!

4:11 AM  

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