Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Conakry again!

Well I am posting this via email. Even though I am in Conakry I figured it would just be easier to post with a quick email. Less hassle and it just goes right to my blog and I haven't even got to sign in in order to do it! That rocks! Lately I have been doing tons of school work and in between I mess around on the internet, hang out with friends who stop by occasionally or do whatever. But I have plenty of school to keep me busy too. So I should wrap this up and go do some more school work! Ahhh! gotta hate school! I have a love hate relationship with school. Yep will drive me to my grave! Ahhhhhh!!!1 Save me! Mary Beth left Guinea on Monday night...actually probably they left super early on Tuesday morning (someone said that they heard a plain leaving at 5 in the morning). Then they missed the connecting flight which is a bummer. Anyways so they ended up having to spend another day in Africa in Dakar. How interesting....that they got to do that. Well got to make sure they get the full African experience right? Well I have to go eat soon so I shall wrap this up!


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow, posting via email. It's like magic! ;)
You have a love/hate relationship with your school? I've got half of that. Hate school(yes, even homeschool), love learning. 'Cause that's how you get smart:).

6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yep yep. Full Africa experiance. Only no fainting from the heat. Whew! Although I was a bit overheated and under watered one point at the village... hmmm. Yep yep.

Well, I have a love/hate relationship with my school too. It loves befuddling me and I hate not getting it. :-D haha. Something like that.

2:31 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

So after questioning you (Mary Beth) via blog and asking Jonathan via email about your time in Guinea, it finally hit me that I could probably just check your xanga. Duh! *pounds head against wall in frustration* Awesome pics!
So I assume there's a story behind the mouse thing, cause there was way to much comment for it to just be for fun.
And Jonathan! You got yourself some armor! And a moustache! I didn't recognize you at first... you look like a paladin type person with the pot thing on your head.
And for both of you, what's wrong with mud huts? If it has a desk and a bed then I can live anywhere. Of course in a mud hut with four other people... Ok, not good.

8:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The mouse thing... oh yes. :-D There is a story. See, its one of my many plots to torment and bother Jonathan.
I'm coaching a bible quiz team and I needed to get my quizzers to "jump" faster... so Jonathan suggested letting mice run loose so that they'll jump (in fear) of the mice and therefore jump faster and thus solve all my problems.
I then turned it against him and decided that I would dress him up like a mouse, and my quizzers would be laughing sooo hard at it that they would fall off their seats, thus jumping faster. Jonathan pointed out that they would be rolling on the floor laughing for most of the 30 seconds they had to answer the question and therefore it wouldn't work (besides the fact that he wont fly back here just to help my quizzers jump faster. :-( awww) So they ended up doing just fine without his help... so he had me thank them and ya... since we had this discussion mostly over my Xanga I had 2 friends tell me to get pictures and put them up if I was able to do it. So when I saw the mouse finger puppet I just had to get it to torment him and "dress him up like a mouse"

That is the story. Have a great day!

7:09 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Quote: "That is the story. Have a great day!"

I certainly will now! *bursts into hysterical laughter* That is awesome! I can't believe you talked him into it! You must have asked him when he was really tired and not thinking too clearly. Or when he was really bored. Though it's hard to get bored when your in Guinea.

Jonathan! I need your Yahoo address! (I sent you an email, don't know if you got it yet. When all do you check your email?)

12:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jonathan is soo good natured, aren't you Silly? :-D I assure you Spencer, he was awesome. He even suggested the picture with the mouse behind the couch. haha!

Have a great day Jonathan! Don't let Evan's bride eat you! haha! :-D

6:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your age was updated!!! Wow. Good blog! :-D Master Silly Little Boy... er.. um... Ancient Old Man got his old blog updated for him since his eyesight is... ummm... lacking in carrots? Hmmm. Ok. Little hard to come up with ways to pick on an old man like yourself... oh drat! I guess I am supposed to be respectful to such a feeble old man... sorry. Oh wait! I pick on Mike all the time! (he's got grandkids older than you, even though you are so ancient) so I should therefore still be able to get away with picking on you! YES! Whew! That was close.

Have a great day Old Man! They're all numbered you know...


4:25 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am confoozid. How did you notice his age changed? Does his profile just change automatically? And why did none of us hear about his birthday party? I'm offended he didn't invite me! I mean he already knows I can't make it, (y'know, being on another continent and all) so he doesn't have to worry about me actually showing up, but he could at least do me the courtesy of pretending!;) And no, I don't think feeble is how I'd describe him.

Is it just me or has he been a little out of touch lately? I sent him an email, like, a week ago that he still hasn't responded to. Oh... he's probably in the village. Duh. I really am a genius most of the time... *rolls eyeballs in disgust at own stupidity*

I seem to not be able to write a short, simple comment. *sigh* Oh, well.

8:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ya, his profial says he's 18 now, and I believe the blog changed it automatically (because it has his birthday I believe) Oh, and what I was trying to say Jonathan, was that you have to update your blog. "gotta get your old blog updated" sorry for the error. I guess I was thinking up ways to pick on you and left out a few letters and words.

And Spencer, I think (but don't know for a fact) that Jonathan is in Kankan... and doing lots and lots of school. (that latter part I do know for a fact)

Poor Spencer, didn't get invited to Jonathan's b-day party. Well... you could be like me and just invite yourself. ;-) Jonathan was a very gracious host, and put up with me and Elizabeth bothering him, and tormenting him, and threatening to steal... er... umm... borrow one of his books and give it to him as a b-day present. And switching from calling him little to reffering to him as ancient, elderly, feeble, etc.

Spencer, I suggest if you wish to leave short simple comments... you could write one, and then write one with everything you want to say in it. :-D

6:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like so. This is a short comment. Any questions? ;-)

6:17 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Madame, I bow to your genuis. *bows with great fanfare and flurish*

7:07 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

OK, now that's with...
I (we?) just got the Hoop Scoop newsletter in which he confirms pretty much everything you said about his school. I can toatally sympethize (sp?) with him on his problems with on chemistry. I believe we use the same curriculum, Apologia, and I took chemistry last year. It was interesting, but has some really difficult math. So you probably won't want to take it. 0_0

So "ancient" and "elderly" I can appreciate, (he's leagaly an adult now!) but I don't think I'll ever call the only person who is anywhere near my sword fighting skill level (quite better, actually) "feeble". It would kind of, y'know, kill me. But I won't try to stop you and Elizabeth from doing so. I'm the practical kind of person who says "If you can't do it, don't try."

7:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha! Well, you wont have to call him feeble than. Because you aren't feeble are you Jonathan? Quite strong in fact. Hmmm.

I am not doing chemistry at all. :-) I checked all my highschool books and chemistry is not one of them. Although geomitry is... *trimbles in fear*. Math is not my specialty. But I was actually reading Jonathan's chemistry book, I think it was, and it seemed like they did a good job writing it.

My school curiculum has not made up its mide what belief system it has. English 1 and 2 were Christian, History is nutural, Biology is eveolution bassed... weird school.

6:52 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well I like math... oh well, each to their own. And this is likely the only time I will correct your spelling but you spelled neutral "nutural", which my mind took and conjugated into "neuter-al" as in pertaining to neutering... yeah, it kinda scared me until I figured out what you were trying to say. So nothing like that will probably happen again, but just to be safe, check your spelling just a bit for stuff like that.

6:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up. Like I said, I'm a creative speller. And even with checking spelling... Jonathan can vouch for me on this one... my writing becomes even more... er... interesting. Because I use real words... but not always the ones I want.

5:13 PM  

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