Monday, August 28, 2006

The Battle of McAfee!

I very kindly updated McAfee security system. That way it would be current and feel all nice and new and be able to handle the viruses it is supposed to cause trouble with. But it decided to backstab me, the master who initiated the update that gave it all its nice new gadgets (or whatever got updated). So I declared war in quick session of congress (me, myself, and I were all present and the vote for war on my McAfee program was unanimous). Well McAfee began the conflict with a huge advantage. Launching a fast and vicious offensive it cut me off from my blogspot address blocking the web page you are now reading. This was what drove me to insanity! I can't stand McAfee and it had been marshalling its forces and biding its time. Apparently the Privacy Service resented being disabled every day whenever I got on the internet and it blocked my friend's blogs (please! it seriously has the wrong idea of what adult content is...I mean...we are talking excessive here!). So now it was launching a fierce counter-attack and little did I know that, having updated it, all the settings had been reset and I could not just disable the privacy service anymore! In fact...there was no privacy service to disable! The four sections of McAfee had been unified to fight against me in the most frustrating manner! Furious, I ordered my fingers to take the fight to McAfee itself! I clicked on the little icon in the taskbar and went straight to the homepage and frantically sent them rushing about trying to find the parental controls or web browsing options. No luck! Only the administrator can access those! I was going crazy and went to my father's account. Surely he would be the administrator! No luck! My mom's account! No luck there either. I, in desperation called in reinforcements and more brains (my mom the other techiest person in our family). She couldn't figure it out either. Swiftly I searched through the help menu for any weakness i could find in the defenses! There had to be a weak point some where in the McAfee defenses! Aha! Creating administrator's accounts! I began digging through McAfee, becoming intimate with all the twists and turns it took me through...but to no avail. I changed some settings but to no avail! Finally in desperation I right clicked on the taskbar icon. It said, sign in as new user, huh? new user? I, hoping against hope that I had found a weakness, clicked it...signed in and behold! Became the sole administrator of McAfee! I busted my forces through the enemy defenses, ransacked the system and put down the rebels! having taken over I swiftly added my friend's blogs to the accepted websites lists, changed the parental control settings a bit, and restored peace and order to my computer! I have proved triumphant over a computer! This is a glorious day indeed! Since I am no computer geek or anything. Don't know that much about them...yep yep.

The rest of my day went fine. I did school, lots of chemistry and reading today. Some speech too. We leave for Kankan on the 31st I believe. So we have a couple days left here. Hope you enjoyed my narrative!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey jonathon! lol umm that was pretty interesting! lol to be quite honest.. im a bit confused. who is McAfee? haha youll have to forgive me.. a little slow tonight. but it was pretty cool! youve got a talent for writing i must say. k well.. heres your comment!! ttyl!

9:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha! Awesome Jonathan. The story I'm sure was much better than the experiance. Sheesh! How dare McAfee take over your computer! On guard McAfee... you shall meet your doomb with Joanthan! ARrr.

7:48 AM  
Blogger Jon the "Lord of the Onion Rings" said...

Yep...McAfee is a security program for computers. I can master it now! Wahoo!

11:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spencer says: Gee, that story sounds kinda familiar... oh yeah, it's like that war that Dad and I had with the network setting on my laptop. We won in the end but it's still bitter. [Note: This computer regrets to say that the disable-happy moron who owns this laptop is not to be trusted. Disregard this, and any other comments he makes. Long live the Security Settings!]

12:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

how is the mighty war with McAfee going? Hope you're steadily getting the upper hand!

6:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Spencer (who intends to get his own blog so he doesn't have to kepp posting anonymous comments) says: Hey Mary Beth! Heard you were going to the totally awesome country of Guinea (pronounced gwinn-eeah; just kidding;) You're gonna love it! I'd post on your Xanga but it doesn't like me. Silly thing, what's not to like.

8:13 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

YAY!!! I have my own Blog! So happy! My name isn't anonymous anymore:)

6:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Oops, silly me, I forgot to give you my blog address (sheepish grin)

6:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Spencer! Ya... Xanga doesn't like non Xanga people. (how cruel!) Hmmm... your blog doesn't seem to like me either! Hmmm... maybe our blogs are holding grudges against us. ;-) Anyway, welcome to the blogging world. :-D And yep! I'm going to be in the lovely land of Guinea pretty soon! I can hardly wait.

Hey Jonathan! Very soon we shall have to feel sorry for all my email buddies becuase I'll be gone in Africa for 2 weeks. :-D haha! YES! I am very excited. :-D See you soon!

1:10 PM  

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