Saturday, October 21, 2006

Hmm...still don't got no pattern

Well I still don't have a pattern for posting on this thing...but of course
when one gets busy with school it is that much harder to post. I read
Beowulf and am convinced that using the Old English and Modern English
translations I could make an Old English Dictionary. That would be fun and
quite an accomplishment...only the type of thing a brainy person would
do...which I can be brainy if I like. I have also been considering creating
my own language...for use with friends and stuff. I think I know how to do
that (I have made a few minor attempts at codes before but nothing major).

But mostly I have been doing school and working on my video! I wish I could
focus on the movie making process more but as it is, I have school and
currently a lot of the props I can lay my hands on just yet since I have to
buy them and my parents still haven't come up with any odd jobs for me to do
around the house.

I had a fantastic bike wreck today. Landed on my right shoulder because the
bike literally grabbed my right leg so I couldn't jump off to safety. It was
most painful but nothing broken just a bunch of burned skin (from the
friction) and a few scrapes and bruises.

I went hunting for locations to shoot a film and rode out of town on the
main road towards Conakry until I got to the SOS orphanage/school and they
had some neat half built buildings out there that might be possible to
use...the only problem would be transportation...that would be a problem.
Yep I shall have to keep looking or figure out a way around the
transportation issue.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, you'd better not die any time soon. (Like you or I have any say in that) Wow! I can't believe your bike dared to attack you like that! In broad daylight too! My oh my! What is this world coming to? Sad sad say indeed.

9:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"You can punch a hole in an apple using a straw. How do you think that makes your milkshake feel?

My milkshake would be quaking in its container and bracing itself for the blast of supersonic suction!"

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH my word! Now... I want to know. Is this knowledge of the power of straws from personal experiance or from reading?

9:28 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I sent the Script! Now you can figure out what and where you want in and around the movie! A lot of the locations are (Directors discretion) so you have some leeway. And you'll have to invent the second half of the script. It's not easy to write action sequences when you don't know what resources your director has. Fit that into your schedual!

6:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the comment! Might I add that I was shocked and figured that someone must have stolen your password and hacked into your Xanga and left me a comment because I knew there was no way you could be at a cyber caffee long enough or free enough to comment? Actually I only figured that for about a second, but the 75% of my brain that is still in my head sure works fast don't it? And yes, I mean "don't" not "doesn't" because "don't" isn't as proper as "doesn't" and I don't feel like being propper today. I don't remember telling you about my conversation with Will... I've had quite a few of them, and that one happened on my b-day AFTER I chatted with you. But I could have emailed you about it... I just don't remember doing that.

Now I'm going to go copy some pages for my notebook.

Have a nice life.

12:14 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Quote:"Now I'm going to go copy some pages for my notebook."

Ummmm, which notebook is that? Just out of curiosity.

8:34 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

oooooo I just noticed I got put on the buddy list! Yay! Happy dance.

9:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was quite sad to find out this week that some people haven't heard this awesome joke. So since you haven't updated I'm going to torture you and force you to read this joke. (casue of course by now you're curious what I'm writing about so you'll finish reading the comment... right?)

There were these two guys standing by the side of the road holding up signs that said, "Turn around now!" "The end is near!" And they were quite dilligent about waving them in the windshiled of cars as they passed. Well, the drivers in the car did not always appreciate this kind indever on their part and they got rather mad. WELLL... after a few cars kept going on down the road, one of the guys turned to the other (quite exhosted from chasing the cars nad waving the signs shouting that the end was near) "Maybe we should change our signs to read 'Bridge Out'"

Elizabeth and I were at a thing tonight called the Harvest round up. It was... boring. So we went to Wal-Mart. It was raining. Wal-mart is across the street. And we got to push a button that would light up the cross walk so we could cross... and it wouldn't change. And it decided to start poring right then. WE got soaked needless to say. I didn't think we smelt that bad... oh well. Got an extra shower in. ;-) hehe.

Have a great day Silly!

4:59 PM  

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