Monday, August 28, 2006

The Battle of McAfee!

I very kindly updated McAfee security system. That way it would be current and feel all nice and new and be able to handle the viruses it is supposed to cause trouble with. But it decided to backstab me, the master who initiated the update that gave it all its nice new gadgets (or whatever got updated). So I declared war in quick session of congress (me, myself, and I were all present and the vote for war on my McAfee program was unanimous). Well McAfee began the conflict with a huge advantage. Launching a fast and vicious offensive it cut me off from my blogspot address blocking the web page you are now reading. This was what drove me to insanity! I can't stand McAfee and it had been marshalling its forces and biding its time. Apparently the Privacy Service resented being disabled every day whenever I got on the internet and it blocked my friend's blogs (please! it seriously has the wrong idea of what adult content is...I mean...we are talking excessive here!). So now it was launching a fierce counter-attack and little did I know that, having updated it, all the settings had been reset and I could not just disable the privacy service anymore! In fact...there was no privacy service to disable! The four sections of McAfee had been unified to fight against me in the most frustrating manner! Furious, I ordered my fingers to take the fight to McAfee itself! I clicked on the little icon in the taskbar and went straight to the homepage and frantically sent them rushing about trying to find the parental controls or web browsing options. No luck! Only the administrator can access those! I was going crazy and went to my father's account. Surely he would be the administrator! No luck! My mom's account! No luck there either. I, in desperation called in reinforcements and more brains (my mom the other techiest person in our family). She couldn't figure it out either. Swiftly I searched through the help menu for any weakness i could find in the defenses! There had to be a weak point some where in the McAfee defenses! Aha! Creating administrator's accounts! I began digging through McAfee, becoming intimate with all the twists and turns it took me through...but to no avail. I changed some settings but to no avail! Finally in desperation I right clicked on the taskbar icon. It said, sign in as new user, huh? new user? I, hoping against hope that I had found a weakness, clicked it...signed in and behold! Became the sole administrator of McAfee! I busted my forces through the enemy defenses, ransacked the system and put down the rebels! having taken over I swiftly added my friend's blogs to the accepted websites lists, changed the parental control settings a bit, and restored peace and order to my computer! I have proved triumphant over a computer! This is a glorious day indeed! Since I am no computer geek or anything. Don't know that much about them...yep yep.

The rest of my day went fine. I did school, lots of chemistry and reading today. Some speech too. We leave for Kankan on the 31st I believe. So we have a couple days left here. Hope you enjoyed my narrative!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Rain, My Parent's Trip to Alaska, and More Rain

Ok so yesterday was my parent's Anniversary and the rainiest day I have ever seen as far as I know. It poured all day long. We aren't talking a drizzle the entire day. We are talking it was raining cats and dogs all day long with very few pauses and while sometimes it didn't rain as hard it was still coming down pretty fast. So what does one do when the weather is dreary? Stay inside and mess around the house. My parents spent the day preparing for their romantic dinner tonight. Since neither me, nor my sister, are first rate cooks (we can make stuff out of a box...but I know barely enough to get by...I just don't cook stuff) mom and dad cooked their meal and got it all set. Then it was my job to serve the meal, Evan took pictures and provided entertainment, and my sister was the Captain. The setting, they were on a cruise ship visiting Alaska. So we all dressed up and got spiffy (meaning I put on a nice shirt with a collar, wore my tie, and put on some dress pants), and then I served them a fine dinner. Dad had set up one of the rooms here in the Guest house and hung pictures of Alaska all over it and gotten everything just so. He had Charlie Peacock playing in the background. It was great! So then I came in as their waiter and got their food. The "wine" was in a fancy vase with ice to keep it cool (it was really Fanta) and all in all, you could hardly tell that one was in the CMA guest house. A lovely game of pretend. Then after dinner (for my parents) they went "ashore" and visited Alaska via the cyber waves.

Then of course we had rain...and more far as I know it rained through the night until this morning. Over 24 hours of practically non-stop rain. Not light rain either. Not sure how many inches we got. Have to go ask Uncle Charlie. Thankfully the rain has finally stopped! Yay! Now it is just extremely cloudy.

Well my little brother would like to use this computer...he wants to play Lego Star Wars. Fun fun...I shall get off and allow him to do so. I was wondering...does anyone have any idea who Billy Jo is? Cause she commented on my last post...better yet. Billy Jo! Who are you?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Me and My Clone

Hey folks! Ok so the title of this post may be rather...misleading. But it is half true. Here is the story. Ok so I upgraded my yahoo messenger and it had this microsoft outlook program or something that it wanted to install and it would use that to coordinate all my contacts and find which ones I could possibly chat with. So I did and it found several people including myself. I have no idea why it came up with myself...except that I have two email addresses...anyways so I hit the send invite button thing to invite them to chat with me. And then next thing I knew I had been added as a contact in yahoo messenger and there was an exact profile pic of myself sitting there. So I thought, can I really chat with myself? In curiousity at this peculiar occurence I selected my new clone and typed in a greeting. Almost instantly it was replied to me exactly as I had written it (rather freaky I might add). Well after doing a bit of that I got bored and went onto other things. Well now tonight my sister was lamenting the fact that none of our friends were online to chat with us. I told her that Grandma and Grandpa were and also that I was also online. Then I commenced to show her how I could chat with myself. Well after a few lines I typed in "this is stupid" because i was just reading what i wrote as a reply to myself every time. Somehow the computer took a bit longer to type something than it took me so I commented on my clone's slow typing abilities and believe it or not it told me that I was a slow typer! Sheesh! I type faster than it does!Why all it does is copy me! The nerve of that clone! Anyways so I was getting riled up and at the nerve of that dumb clone and it said everything right back to me! Here is the exact discussion that took place between me and my computer clone counterpart:

jondehoover: Hi
jondehoover: Hi
jondehoover: How are you
jondehoover: Are you doing fine?
jondehoover: Are you doing fine?
jondehoover: You type rather slow
jondehoover: You type rather slow
jondehoover: I don't type that slow!
jondehoover: I don't type that slow!
jondehoover: How dare you insult me!
jondehoover: How dare you insult me!
jondehoover: This is stupid!
jondehoover: This is stupid!
jondehoover: I don't have to listen to you!
jondehoover: I don't have to listen to you!
jondehoover: You idiot!
jondehoover: You idiot!
jondehoover: What!
jondehoover: What!
jondehoover: Did you call me an idiot!
jondehoover: Did you call me an idiot!
jondehoover: Why how dare you!
jondehoover: Why how dare you!
jondehoover: I can't believe this!
jondehoover: I can't believe this!
jondehoover: Oh I give up!
jondehoover: Oh I give up!

Now how strange is that? I was dumb enough to almost get riled up about that though! Heheh! Well I shall close this post now! ADios!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Rainy Sunday

Once again the weather is perfect for surfing the web. Drizzly and rainy outside. This time I have eaten breakfast. Mom and Dad aren't up yet and so I just got it all out and made the milk. Cold cereal of fix your own oatmeal. Neither is too hard.

I just posted on my xanga and now I am posting on this thing. Yep yep...Blogger rocks! I mean I can set it up so that it emails me comments! I just can't get over that! I know xanga has a thing that tells you what happened on your account that day but they don't email you your comments. You have to be connected to the internet in order to read your comments. Yep yep...which will be no good to me in the village with a Sat modem. Pretty much all we can do is email with a Sat modem. Speaking of which...need to see if we can get that satellite modem working.

All the PBT missionaries are leaving now...the guest house is slowly emptying and losing occupants. It was chock full this past week and now people are returning home to get back to work etc. Although several are staying to get supplies here in Conakry. That is important. We actually need to get our car fixed. It sounds as bad as those taxis they have. Whenever we hit a pot hole something in the engine rattles and shakes. It reminds me of...umm...what was that show? Mythbusters! Have any of you seen it? These two guys go around finding the strangest myths (like they were testing to see if a portapotty would explode from the fumes of decomposing waste if someone lit a match inside of it). Well they took this car, pretty much destroyed the drive shaft trying to get it to drop into a pot hole and pole vault the car and possibly flip it. They finally managed to doctor it up so that they could control when it snaps off and drops into the pothole. Then they found that even if they hit the pothole dead on, the car was going too fast for it to catch the pothole (30 mph) and so then they had to slow down. They finally did manage to get it in the hole and the car did this nose dive thing and the back tires rose up a couple feet off the ground. No flip though. The drive shaft got driven straight up and into the trunk of the car though. On the exploding porta-potty section, while they did manage to blow open the door of the porta-potty, they only managed to do it by taping up all the vents and pumping it full of methane gas (they had lots of methane too). They said that they busted that myth but if you ask me, any possibility of being roasted by a porta-potty explosion is enough to keep me from playing with fire and porta-potties. Yep yep...anyways...tonight we have to lead teh worship at church...that is going to be a scary new experience...why me? OH well...I will just have to persevere! Never led worship before...I can just look at it as having a new experience and growing wiser and learning more.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Bright New Day

Awesomeness! I just found out that Katie has a blog on blogger now! That is great news! Though she never told me what it was called...hmm...course I didn't ask...but that was because I didn't realize she already had one...:-) Anyways I am going to go check it out and I highly recommend others to do so as well if you can.

Today is Saturday! Saturday is a wonderful day because it is when I usually get on the internet to do email. The only thing is that I don't have to do that I am just finding all my friend's blogs and commenting on them. Fun fun! I am updating my blogs too. I posted on my xanga today and now I am posting on my blogger. The only blog I have not yet posted on is the Random Story Blog because it doesn't appear to be working yet. But maybe it will start working again soon. looks to be a good day! I have already commented on most of the blogs I need to and maybe I shall be able to chat with some friends this wonderful day. This evening our family goes out to eat at Joel's house. Fun fun! the meantime I guess I shall go see if mom...umm...nope breakfast isn't ready yet. Hmm...well what can I discuss? I don't know...hmm...well maybe I shall just ramble! But what to ramble about? Well I can always ramble about the weather. It is currently the perfect weather for sitting at the computer. It is rather grey outside so no one can come tell you to go out and enjoy the sunshine and it is cool enough that one doesn't sweat a swimming pool out of himself every minute. Perfect. Of course if I get up and start running around I will be sweaty in no time. Cool! Time to eat! Well I shall go enjoy my breakfast! Enjoy this post! Hope your blog starts working better John! It was great chatting with you last night! You are hard to catch online! Even though you computer says it is on all day long...but I hope you get lots of paper representing gold from the working place! Oh shucks...the random story blog still isn't your blog working any better John?

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Return to the Light!

Hello blog! I have returned to the lightside of blogging! ;-) Just kidding. But John calls this the lightside of blogging and viewed my switch to xanga as "falling to the darkside" and all. Unfortunately xanga doesn't allow me to email posts so therefore I think I shall be switching to blogger again. John is right. Blogger rocks! I loves it! Only problem is that the Random Story Blog isn't working for some reason...gotta get John to fix that up. yep yep...must have him look into that. In the mean time I shall continue on to other things.

Well my week of work is over. PBT just had its branch meetings and I was helping babysit a dozen kids. Tiring work. I am tired right now actually. It has been awhile since I have posted on this blog. Anyways I am back and shall now begin giving y'all the scoop.

Joel and Katie helped out in babysitting. They were great! Katie of course, was bothered. We had a blast bothering and probably drove the poor girl crazy. If you are reading this Katie, thanks for coming to help out! It was great fun! Hope you also had some fun!

As for the babysitting, we had all the usual fun. Helping kids do crafts and all sorts of things like that. Most interesting. I shall relocate to the guest house now since town power is on and I hear keys jingling downstairs. Don't want to get locked in or end up having to lock up without access to keys.

Ok so I am back. Our new president, Uncle Greg has just arrived in from the U.S. I am not sure exactly when he or if he has assumed full responsibility of the mission yet. But he used to work here in Guinea. OH yeah! For the readers info, I am currently in Conakry, Guinea. With nifty wireless connections no less. You won't find a wireless connection anywhere but the University in Kankan.

Our week babysitting was...interesting. It involved a game called "musical costumes" in which Joel and I, two BIG boys ended up having to wear dress up clothes that were made for little girls for the most part. I shall leave it to your imaginations to figure out what we looked like but it was rather embarrassing especially for poor Joel. Quite hilarious too. I have started a blog for Agent Funny Face now. I highly recommend all my readers to acquaint themselves with this character as it may become essential to some of my future posts. You can follow along as I repost his adventures on my new blog for him. I am also editing them so the reader shan't have to work so hard to read the post. Oh yes...and John, please fix the Random Story Blog. I don't know what happened but it isn't working now.