Saturday, October 21, 2006

Hmm...still don't got no pattern

Well I still don't have a pattern for posting on this thing...but of course
when one gets busy with school it is that much harder to post. I read
Beowulf and am convinced that using the Old English and Modern English
translations I could make an Old English Dictionary. That would be fun and
quite an accomplishment...only the type of thing a brainy person would
do...which I can be brainy if I like. I have also been considering creating
my own language...for use with friends and stuff. I think I know how to do
that (I have made a few minor attempts at codes before but nothing major).

But mostly I have been doing school and working on my video! I wish I could
focus on the movie making process more but as it is, I have school and
currently a lot of the props I can lay my hands on just yet since I have to
buy them and my parents still haven't come up with any odd jobs for me to do
around the house.

I had a fantastic bike wreck today. Landed on my right shoulder because the
bike literally grabbed my right leg so I couldn't jump off to safety. It was
most painful but nothing broken just a bunch of burned skin (from the
friction) and a few scrapes and bruises.

I went hunting for locations to shoot a film and rode out of town on the
main road towards Conakry until I got to the SOS orphanage/school and they
had some neat half built buildings out there that might be possible to
use...the only problem would be transportation...that would be a problem.
Yep I shall have to keep looking or figure out a way around the
transportation issue.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

I post Again

Well it is Saturday and I intend to chat today at 4. Yesterday was awesome
because I got to chat a little with Spencer but sadly was supposed to be
doing other things than chatting, looking at blogs, and email. So I was a
bit...non-communicative. Today though I shall chat if anyone is upon the
internet. If not however...well I guess I will send my emails and tinker
around for a bit...hoping someone gets on. Wish I could check blogs with
this connection and is really too bad that satellite modems are so
darned expensive...we are going to start a log book with that and begin
tallying up our precious kilobytes. 1000 bytes in a kilobyte and 1000
kilobytes in a megabyte I believe is correct? Nes pas?

Well I am currently listening to Desert Rose by John Tesh and it is awesome!
Yep yep...John Tesh does a good job with most of his songs but most of them
are too slow for me...but this one is good...not hard or anything but it has
a mystery to it. I tis mysterious.

As to whether it is more foolish to ask a lady her age or her weight, I
think it would be wise to refrain from either and just let them tell you of
their own free will if they ever feel so inclined (which if they are picky
about that will never happen). You will live longer and be healthier in
general if you stick to those guidelines. Much healthier than going around
asking girls (who have sharp nails mind you) what they weigh and their age.
Though I don't think younger girls mind so much about the age thing. But if
they are out of college...might want to be careful about the age stuff.

Umm...Maybee...I may be ancient but unfortunately I can't get along with
adults THAT well (not like you...I wouldn't choose to sit with adults and
wouldn't necessarily enjoy it...unless the adults treated me like my age and
included me in the discussion...but generally I would hang out with the
young whippersnappers).

Yeah thanks for sticking up for me Spencer! I am far from feeble. Why in my
old age I am stronger than I have ever been! I was rereading your comment
about how you wouldn't necessarily go so far as to call my feeble Spence.
Yep yep. Feeble is going too far. I mean one can be elderly and still be
sturdy and hardy. Yep yep...I should answer your email spilled
water on your computer three times! Dang! What is that law stating that
anything that could possibly go wrong will go wrong? It certainly sounds
like it is a very accurate law if you ask me.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Busy busy busy!

Hmm...have to get used to posting on my blog via email...I am rather out of
email currently due to school work (exceedingly large amounts of it I might
add). So yes Spencer you are indeed correct in saying that I seem to be out
of touch lately. Indeed it was rather irritating to miss on my Hoop
Scoop...but I was traveling at the time (back to Kankan) and had tons of
school to worry about (exactly 4 modules and a mess of experiments to worry
about at the moment in Chemistry) and so I plead business for my excuse.
Although it is my fault I have been so busy because if I hadn't
procrastinated in the first in the end it is all my fault. I
admit it. Though I shall only be out of touch temporarily.

In the mean time ye may comfort yeself in the fact that I am slowly getting
used to this email publishing thing...yep is rather disorienting
reading your comments as emails...much different from actually seeing them
on the web page. But thanks for commenting. I thought I had written you
already Spence! Oops! My bad! I shall hop to it immediately! Fare thee folks
well! Actually the only people who read this thing are Zaphod Beeblebrox the
V and MB...oh well. The show must go on! (despite the lack of audience...the
show must go on!)

Last night we was it called...oh yeah! Singing in the
Rain! Don O'Connor was in it and he was totally awesome! The movie was great
(very entertaining indeed) and the songs even better! Love good musicals
with comedy and dance (with music too).

School is crazy...I am officially late on my Chemistry now...I get a grade
lower because of that. But the work must go on! I am going to go back to my
busy work now! (after writing Zap an email that is!)